Antecedentes y motivación del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE (2018-2020)

Hoy 2 de enero de 2018 empezamos oficialmente el proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE (BIA2017-85098-R): “Diseño y mantenimiento óptimo robusto y basado en fiabilidad de puentes e infraestructuras viarias de alta eficiencia social y medioambiental bajo presupuestos restrictivos”. Se trata de un proyecto trianual (2018-2020) financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, así como por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). La entidad solicitante es la Universitat Politècnica de València y el Centro el ICITECH (Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón). Los investigadores principales son Víctor Yepes (IP1) y Eugenio Pellicer (IP2). Al proyecto también se le ha asignado un Contrato Predoctoral, que sacaremos a concurso próximamente. Con las restricciones presupuestarias tan fuertes en materia de I+D+i y con la alta competencia existente por conseguir proyectos de investigación, lo cierto es que estamos muy satisfechos por haber conseguido financiación. Además, estamos abiertos a cualquier tipo de colaboración tanto desde el mundo empresarial o universitario para reforzar este reto. Por tanto, lo primero que vamos a hacer es explicar los antecedentes y la motivación del proyecto.

La sostenibilidad económica y el desarrollo social de la mayoría de los países dependen directamente del comportamiento fiable y duradero de sus infraestructuras (Frangopol, 2011). Las infraestructuras del transporte presentan una especial relevancia, especialmente sus infraestructuras viarias y puentes, cuya construcción y mantenimiento influyen fuertemente en la actividad económica, el crecimiento y el empleo. Sin embargo, tal y como indica Marí (2007), estas actividades impactan significativamente en el medio ambiente, presentan efectos irreversibles y pueden comprometer el presente y el futuro de la sociedad. El gran reto, por tanto, será disponer de infraestructuras capaces de maximizar su beneficio social sin comprometer su sostenibilidad (Aguado et al., 2012). La sostenibilidad, de hecho, constituye un enfoque que ha dado un giro radical a la forma de afrontar nuestra existencia. El calentamiento global, las tensiones sociales derivadas de la presión demográfica y del reparto desequilibrado de la riqueza son, entre otros, los grandes retos que debe afrontar esta generación. Continue reading “Antecedentes y motivación del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE (2018-2020)”

Método de redes bayesianas para la toma de decisiones respecto a la sostenibilidad social de los proyectos de infraestructura

Acaban de publicarnos en la revista Journal of Cleaner Production un artículo donde aplicamos el método de las redes bayesianas aplicado a la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad social de los proyectos. El Journal of Cleaner Production es revista de fuerte impacto, pues se encuentra en el primer decil en el ámbito ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES de la Web of Science. Os dejo a continuación el resumen y el enlace al artículo por si os resulta de interés: 


Nowadays, sustainability assessment tends to focus on the biophysical and economic aspects of the built environment. The social aspects are generally overestimated during an infrastructure evaluation. This study proposes a method to optimize infrastructure projects by assessing their social contribution. This proposal takes into account the infrastructure’s interactions with the local environment in terms of its potential contribution in the short and long term. The method is structured in three stages: (1) preparation of a decision-making model, (2) formulation of the model, and (3) implementation of the model through optimization of infrastructure projects from the social sustainability viewpoint. The theory of Bayesian reasoning and a harmony search optimization algorithm are used to carry out the research. The paper presents the application to a case study of a set of alternatives for road infrastructure projects in El Salvador. This approach creates a model of participative decision-making. The results show that the method can distinguish socially efficient alternatives from the short and long-term contributions. In addition, the results suggest that some variables are less sensitive to the short and long-term maximization, while others vary their values to improve one objective or the other. The findings are directly applied to a real case. The method can be employed in the infrastructure formulation and prioritization phases and complemented with economic and environmental sustainability assessments.


Bayesian networks, Infrastructure, Multiple criteria, Optimization algorithm, Social sustainability


SIERRA, L.A.; YEPES, V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; PELLICER, E. (2018). Bayesian network method for decision-making about the social sustainability of infrastructure projects.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 176:521-534.

A continuación os dejo la versión autor:

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Optimización heurística mediante aceptación por umbrales

En algunos posts anteriores hemos comentado lo que es un modelo matemático de optimización, qué son las metaheurísticas, o cómo poder optimizar las estructuras de hormigón. A continuación os presentamos un Polimedia donde se explica brevemente cómo podemos optimizar siguiendo la técnica de optimización heurística mediante aceptación por umbrales. Podréis comprobar cómo se trata de un caso similar a la famosa técnica de la cristalización simulada. Espero que os sea útil.

Podéis consultar, a modo de ejemplo, algunos artículos científicos que hemos escrito a ese respecto en las siguientes publicaciones:

  • CARBONELL, A.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; YEPES, V. (2011). Heuristic optimization of reinforced concrete road vault underpasses. Advances in Engineering Software, 42(4): 151-159. ISSN: 0965-9978.  (link)
  • MARTÍNEZ, F.J.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A.; YEPES, V. (2010). Heuristic Optimization of RC Bridge Piers with Rectangular Hollow Sections. Computers & Structures, 88: 375-386. ISSN: 0045-7949.  (link)
  • YEPES, V.; MEDINA, J.R. (2006). Economic Heuristic Optimization for Heterogeneous Fleet VRPHESTW. Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 132(4): 303-311. (link)


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Optimización de estructuras de hormigón mediante Simulated Annealing

Logo OptimizacionA continuación os dejo un capítulo de un libro de Simulated Annealing, escrito en abierto para su libre difusión, donde explicamos varias aplicaciones del algoritmo de Cristalización Simulada aplicada a estructuras de hormigón armado. En particular: muros ménsula, pórticos de carreteras, marcos de carreteras y pórticos de edificación. Su referencia es:

GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA-VIDOSA, F.; YEPES, V.; ALCALÁ, J.; CARRERA, M.; PEREA, C.; PAYÁ-ZAFORTEZA, I. (2008) Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Simulated Annealing. TAN, C.M. (ed): Simulated Annealing. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, pp. 307-320. (link)

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Optimización heurística de ménsulas cortas mediante elementos finitos con fisuración distribuida

A continuación os dejo un artículo donde se aplica la optimización heurística mediante recocido simulado de ménsulas cortas de hormigón armado, usando para ello elementos finitos con fisuración distribuida.

También puedes encontrar el artículo en acceso abierto en:





ROJAS, G.; ROJAS, P.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; YEPES, V. (2012). Heuristic optimization of short corbels by smeared cracking finite element analysis. International Conference on Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering, 20-22 june. Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering XII. Vol. 125, pp. 71-82. Edited By: S. HERNANDEZ, University of A Coruña, Spain, C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and W.P. DE WILDE, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. DOI: 10.2495/OP120071  ISSN: 1743-3509 (on line).



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¿Es fácil optimizar estructuras de hormigón?

Es más, ¿es posible que un ordenador sea capaz de diseñar de forma automática estructuras óptimas sin darle ninguna pista o información previa? Estoy convencido que a la vuelta de un par de años, todos los programas comerciales tendrán paquetes de optimización estructural que permitirán reducciones de coste en torno al 5-15% respecto a los programas actuales. Ya os adelanto que esta nueva tecnología va a traer consigo nuevas patologías en las estructuras de hormigón, que con la optimización se parecen más a las estructuras metálicas. Con el tiempo habrá que introducir capítulos o restricciones en las futuras versiones de la EHE o de los Eurocódigos. En este post vamos a continuar comentando aspectos relacionados con la modelización matemática, la optimización combinatoria, las metaheurísticas y los algoritmos.

Toda esta aventura la empezamos en el año 2002, con el primer curso de doctorado sobre optimización heurística en la ingeniería civil, que luego hemos ido ampliando y mejorando en el actual Máster Oficial en Ingeniería del Hormigón. Ya tenemos varias tesis doctorales y artículos científicos al respecto para aquellos de vosotros curiosos o interesados en el tema. Para aquellos que queráis ver algunas aplicaciones concretas, os recomiendo el siguiente capítulo de libro que escribimos sobre la optimización de distintas estructuras con un algoritmo tan simple como la cristalización simulada. Para aquellos otros que tengáis más curiosidad, os dejo algunas publicaciones de nuestro grupo de investigación en el apartado de referencias.

Os paso, para abrir boca, una forma sencilla de optimizar a través de este Polimedia. Espero que os guste.


  • MOLINA-MORENO, F.; MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V. (2017). Carbon embodied optimization for buttressed earth-retaining walls: implications for low-carbon conceptual designs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164:872-884. 
  • GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V.; FRANGOPOL, D.M.; YANG, D.Y. (2017). Lifetime Reliability-Based Optimization of Post-Tensioned Box-Girder Bridges. Engineering Structures, 145:381-391. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.05.013 OPEN ACCESS
  • GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V.; FRANGOPOL, D.M. (2017). Multi-Objective Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Road Bridges Using Artificial Neural Networks. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 56(1):139-150. doi: 10.1007/s00158-017-1653-0
  • YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2017). Heuristics in optimal detailed design of precast road bridges. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 17(4):738-749. DOI: 10.1016/j.acme.2017.02.006
  • MOLINA-MORENO, F.; GARCÍA-SEGURA; MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V. (2017). Optimization of Buttressed Earth-Retaining Walls using Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithms. Engineering Structures, 134:205-216. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.12.042
  • GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V. (2016). Multiobjective optimization of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges considering cost, CO2 emissions, and safety. Engineering Structures, 125:325-336. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.07.012.
  • MARTÍ, J.V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V. (2016). Structural design of precast-prestressed concrete U-beam road bridges based on embodied energy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 120:231-240. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.02.024
  • GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V.; ALCALÁ, J.; PÉREZ-LÓPEZ, E. (2015). Hybrid harmony search for sustainable design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. Engineering Structures, 92:112-122. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.03.015 (link)
  • LUZ, A.; YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; MARTÍ, J.V. (2015). Diseño de estribos abiertos en puentes de carretera obtenidos mediante optimización híbrida de escalada estocástica. Informes de la Construcción, 67(540), e114. DOI: 10.3989/ic.14.089
  • MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2015). Memetic algorithm approach to designing of precast-prestressed concrete road bridges with steel fiber-reinforcement. Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, 141(2): 04014114. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001058 (descargar versión autor)
  • YEPES, V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; MORENO-JIMÉNEZ, J.M. (2015). A cognitive approach for the multi-objective optimization of RC structural problems. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 15(4):1024-1036. doi:10.1016/j.acme.2015.05.001
  • YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T. (2015). Cost and CO2 emission optimization of precast-prestressed concrete U-beam road bridges by a hybrid glowworm swarm algorithm. Automation in Construction, 49:123-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2014.10.013 (link)
  • GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V.; ALCALÁ, J. (2014). Optimization of concrete I-beams using a new hybrid glowworm swarm algorithm. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures,  11(7):1190 – 1205. ISSN: 1679-7817. (link)
  • MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; LUZ, A. (2013). Diseño automático de tableros óptimos de puentes de carretera de vigas artesa prefabricadas mediante algoritmos meméticos híbridos. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, DOI:
  • TORRES-MACHÍ, C.; YEPES, V.; ALCALA, J.; PELLICER, E. (2013). Optimization of high-performance concrete structures by variable neighborhood search. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(2):90-99 . ISSN: 1735-0522. (link)
  • MARTÍNEZ-MARTÍN, F.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A.; YEPES, V. (2013). A parametric study of optimum tall piers for railway bridge viaducts. Structural Engineering and Mechanics45(6): 723-740. (link)
  • MARTINEZ-MARTIN, F.J.; GONZALEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A.; YEPES, V. (2012). Multi-objective optimization design of bridge piers with hybrid heuristic algorithms. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering, 13(6):420-432. DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1100304. ISSN 1673-565X (Print); ISSN 1862-1775 (Online).  (link)
  • MARTÍ, J.V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; YEPES, V.; ALCALÁ, J. (2013). Design of prestressed concrete precast road bridges with hybrid simulated annealing. Engineering Structures48:342-352. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2012.09.014. ISSN: 0141-0296.(link)
  • YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; ALCALÁ, J.; VILLALBA, P. (2012). CO2-Optimization Design of Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls based on a VNS-Threshold Acceptance Strategy. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering ASCE, 26 (3):378-386. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000140. ISNN: 0887-3801. (link)
  • CARBONELL, A.; YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2011). Búsqueda exhaustiva por entornos aplicada al diseño económico de bóvedas de hormigón armado. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, 27(3):227-235.  (link) [Global best local search applied to the economic design of reinforced concrete vauls]
  • CARBONELL, A.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; YEPES, V. (2011). Heuristic optimization of reinforced concrete road vault underpasses. Advances in Engineering Software, 42(4): 151-159. ISSN: 0965-9978.  (link)
  • MARTÍNEZ, F.J.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A. (2011). Estudio paramétrico de pilas para viaductos de carretera. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, 27(3):236-250. (link)
  • MARTÍNEZ, F.J.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A.; ALCALÁ, J. (2011). Design of tall bridge piers by ant colony optimization. Engineering Structures, 33:2320-2329.
  • PEREA, C.; YEPES, V.; ALCALÁ, J.; HOSPITALER, A.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2010). A parametric study of optimum road frame bridges by threshold acceptance. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, 17(6):427-437. ISSN: 0971-4588.  (link)
  • PAYÁ-ZAFORTEZA, I.; YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A. (2010). On the Weibull cost estimation of building frames designed by simulated annealing. Meccanica, 45(5): 693-704. DOI 10.1007/s11012-010-9285-0. ISSN: 0025-6455.  (link)
  • MARTÍ, J.V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2010). Design of prestressed concrete precast pedestrian bridges by heuristic optimization. Advances in Engineering Software, 41(7-8): 916-922.
  • MARTÍNEZ, F.J.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A.; YEPES, V. (2010). Heuristic Optimization of RC Bridge Piers with Rectangular Hollow Sections. Computers & Structures, 88: 375-386. ISSN: 0045-7949.  (link)
  • PAYÁ, I.; YEPES, V.; HOSPITALER, A.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2009). CO2-Efficient Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Frames. Engineering Structures, 31: 1501-1508. ISSN: 0141-0296. (link)
  • YEPES, V.; ALCALÁ, J.; PEREA, C.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2008). A Parametric Study of Optimum Earth Retaining Walls by Simulated Annealing. Engineering Structures, 30(3): 821-830. ISSN: 0141-0296.  (link)
  • PEREA, C.; ALCALÁ, J.; YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A. (2008). Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Frames by Heuristic Optimization. Advances in Engineering Software, 39(8): 676-688. ISSN: 0965-9978.  (link)
  • PAYÁ, I.; YEPES, V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F.; HOSPITALER, A. (2008). Multiobjective Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Building Frames by Simulated Annealing. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 23(8): 596-610. ISSN: 1093-9687.  (link)
  • PAYÁ, I.; YEPES, V.; CLEMENTE, J.J.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2006). Optimización heurística de pórticos de edificación de hormigón armado. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, 22(3): 241-259. [Heuristic optimization of reinforced concrete building frames]. (link)

Special Issue on Advanced Optimization Techniques and Their Applications in Civil Engineering

Civil Engineers are involved with the creation, monitoring, and management of infrastructural resources, as well as the e›cient, economic utilization and management of renewable natural resources. Nowadays a rapid growth of computer performance enables and encourages new developments in civil engineering as well as related areas. For instance, the construction industry investigates new designs with minimum cost, minimum CO2 emissions, or embodied energy, among other objectives. Conventional optimization techniques are usually inadequate to nd best designs by taking into account all design variables, objectives, and constraints in the complex civil engineering problems. Applications of optimization techniques are most exciting, challenging, and of truly large scale when it comes to the problems of civil engineering in terms of both quality and quantity. In order to overcome the di›culties, researchers are interested in advanced optimization techniques. In the recent literature, researchers have applied the advanced optimization techniques to dišerent purposes.

The aim of this special issue is to collect the studies using optimization algorithms in civil engineering problems such as structural engineering, construction management, and environmental engineering. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following: Intelligent optimization Swarm and evolutionary optimization techniques Single and multiobjective optimization Predictive modeling and optimization Computational complexity and optimization Continuous or discrete optimization Structural optimization Size, shape, and topology optimization New design optimization applications in civil engineering New and novel approaches and techniques for solving optimization problems in civil engineering New research in any areas closely related to optimization and civil engineering designs Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at

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International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM-OPTI 2018

The use of novel materials and new structural concepts nowadays is not restricted to highly technical areas like aerospace, aeronautical applications or the automotive industry, but affects all engineering fields including those such as civil engineering and architecture.

The conference addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts or new materials and their system design. Contributions will highlight the latest development in design, optimisation, manufacturing and experimentation in those areas. The meeting also aims to search for higher performance sustainable materials.

Most high performance structures require the development of a generation of new materials, which can more easily resist a range of external stimuli or react in a non-conventional manner. Particular emphasis will be placed on intelligent structures and materials as well as the application of computational methods for their modelling, control and management.

The conference also addresses the topic of design optimisation. Contributions on numerical methods and different optimisation techniques are also welcome, as well as papers on new software. Optimisation problems of interest to the meeting involve those related to size, shape and topology of structures and materials. Optimisation techniques have much to offer to those involved in the design of new industrial products.

The development of new algorithms and the appearance of powerful commercial computer codes with easy to use graphical interfaces has created a fertile field for the incorporation of optimisation in the design process in all engineering disciplines.

This scientific event is a new edition of the High Performance Design of Structures and Materials conference and follows the success of a number of meetings on structures and materials and on optimum design that originated in Southampton as long ago as 1989. As the meetings evolved they gave rise to the current series, which started in Seville in 2002, and followed by Ancona in 2004, Ostend in 2006, the Algarve in 2008, Tallinn in 2010, the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute in 2012, Ostend in 2014 and Siena in 2016.

The meeting will provide a friendly and useful forum for the interchange of ideas and interaction amongst researchers, designers and scholars in the community to share advances in High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials.

More information:

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Aportaciones al Congreso sobre Optimización de Estructuras HPSM/OPTI 2016, Siena (Italia)

200x250_hpsm16Los días 19, 20 y 21 de septiembre de 2016 se celebra en Siena (Italia) uno de los congresos más importantes sobre optimización de estructuras: “The 2016 International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM/OPTI 2016“. Participo en dicho congreso tanto en su Comité Científico como la aportación de tres comunicaciones. A continuación os paso los resúmenes de dichas comunicaciones.

MARTÍ, J.V.; ALCALÁ, J.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V.  (2016). Heuristic design of precast-prestressed concrete U-beam and post-tensioned cast-in-place concrete slab road bridges.

Abstract: This paper proposes simulated annealing and threshold accepting procedures for the automatic design of two different bridge types. Both cases are prestressed concrete road bridge decks typically used in public road construction. Simulated annealing is first applied to a precast beam of 30-30 meters of longitudinal spans and 12.00 m of width. The beam has a double U-shape cross-section and a beam spacing of 6 m. This problem involves 59 discrete design variables for the geometry of the beam and the slab, concrete grade, reinforcing steel and prestressing steel. The simulated annealing method indicates savings of about 5% with respect to a traditional design. The second bridge case is a 20-36-20 m post-tensioned cast-in-place concrete slab road bridge deck. This example needs 33 discrete variables to define the complete structure. The threshold accepting method is used for the optimization. Our findings indicate savings of about 7.5% with respect to the design based on experience. Finally, the results show that heuristic optimization provides other options to reduce the design costs of real prestressed bridge decks.

Keywords:  precast-prestressed concrete, post-tensioned cast-in-place, U-shape cross-section, slab deck, heuristic optimization

GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V.; ALCALÁ, J.  (2016). Computer-Support Tool for Automatically Optimize Bridges.

Abstract:  In bridge design, many variables like material grades, cross-sectional dimensions, passive and pre-stressing steel need to be modeled to evaluate the structural performance. Efficiency gains are intended while satisfying the serviceability and ultimate limit states imposed by the structural code. In this paper, a computer-support tool is presented to analyze continuous post-tensioned concrete (PSC) box-girder road bridges, to minimize the cost, and to provide the optimum design variables. The program encompasses six modules to perform the optimization process, the finite-element analysis and the limit states verification. The methodology is defined and applied to a case study. A harmony search algorithm optimizes 32 variables that define a three-span PSC box-girder bridge located in a coastal region. However, the same procedure could be implemented to optimize any structure. This tool enables one to define the fixed parameters and the variables that are optimized by the heuristic algorithm. Moreover, the output provides useful rules to guide engineers in designing PSC box-girder road bridges.

Keywords:  post-tensioned concrete; computer-support tool; box-girder bridges; harmony search

YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T. (2016). Design optimization of precast-prestressed concrete road bridges with steel fiber-reinforcement by a hybrid evolutionary algorithm.

Abstract: In this paper, the influence of steel fiber-reinforcement when designing precast-prestressed concrete road bridges with a double U-shape cross-section is studied through heuristic optimization. A hybrid evolutionary algorithm (EA) combining a genetic algorithm (GA) with variable-depth neighborhood search (VDNS) is formulated to minimize the economic cost and CO2 emissions, while imposing constraints on all the relevant limit states. The case study proposed is a 30-m span-length with a deck width of 12 m. The problem involved 41 discrete design variables. The algorithm requires the initial calibration. Moreover, the heuristic is run nine times so as to obtain statistical information about the minimum, average and deviation of the results. The evolution of the objective function during the optimization procedure is highlighted. Findings show that heuristic optimization is a forthcoming option for the design of real-life prestressed structures. This paper provides useful knowledge that could offer a better understanding of the steel fiber-reinforcement in U-beam road bridges.

Keywords:  steel fiber-reinforcement, precast-prestressed concrete, U-shape cross-section, hybrid evolutionary algorithm


Optimización de la gestión sostenible de pavimentos con presupuestos restrictivos

carretera_deterioradaNo resulta nada fácil realizar el mantenimiento de una red de carreteras durante un horizonte, digamos de 20 años, cuando los presupuestos son muy restrictivos. Las consecuencias son nefastas para la calidad del servicio prestado por dicha infraestructura. El problema deriva del hecho de tener que elegir la mejor opción de mantenimiento, en el momento adecuado, con un presupuesto mínimo, de forma que todo ello permita maximizar la condición de servicio de la infraestructura. ¡Un problema nada fácil!

Para solucionar este tipo de problemas hemos propuesto un algoritmo heurístico novedoso capaz de generar soluciones óptimas en casos tan complicados como el que se presenta.

Os dejo el resumen, las palabras clave y la referencia por si queréis citar el artículo.

tcem20.v022.i04.coverAbstract. Insufficient investment in the public sector together with inefficient maintenance infrastructure programs lead to high economic costs in the long term. Thus, infrastructure managers need practical tools to maximize the Long-Term Effectiveness (LTE) of maintenance programs. This paper describes an optimization tool based on a hybrid Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) considering Threshold Accepting (TA) with relaxed constraints. This tool facilitates the design of optimal maintenance programs subject to budgetary and technical restrictions, exploring the effect of different budgetary scenarios on the overall network condition. The optimization tool is applied to a case study demonstrating its efficiency to analyze real data. Optimized maintenance programs are shown to yield LTE 40% higher than the traditional programs based on a reactive strategy. To extend the results obtained in this case study, a set of simulated scenarios, based on the range of values found in the real example, are also optimized. This analysis concludes that this optimization algorithm enhances the allocation of maintenance funds over the one obtained under a traditional reactive strategy. The sensitivity analysis of a range of budgetary scenarios indicates that the funding level in the early years is a driving factor of the LTE of optimal maintenance programs.

Keywords: Maintenance program; Network management; Heuristic optimization; Asset management; Infrastructure management; Pavement.


YEPES, V.; TORRES-MACHÍ, C.; CHAMORRO, A.; PELLICER, E. (2016). Optimal pavement maintenance programs based on a hybrid greedy randomized adaptive search procedure algorithm. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22(4):540-550. DOI: 10.3846/13923730.2015.1120770

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