Evaluación neutrosófica multicriterio de alternativas sostenibles de estructuras de viviendas unifamiliares

Nos acaban de publicar en la revista Environmental Impact Assessment Review (primer cuartil del JCR) un artículo relacionado con la aplicación de la teoría neutrosófica para la toma de decisiones multicriterio de alternativas sostenibles de estructuras de viviendas unifamiliares. Se trata de una publicación de la próxima tesis doctoral de Antonio Sánchez Garrido, que codirijo con Ignacio J. Navarro, perteneciente al proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE.

Puedes descargar gratuitamente el artículo hasta el 9 de junio de 2021 en el siguiente enlace: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1cxMKiZ5t5ESY


This paper proposes a methodology for the assessment of the sustainability among three different structural design alternatives for a single-family home. The response associated with each alternative has been measured using 43 indicators considering all stages of the life cycle. A decision-making model is carried out on the basis of a neutrosophic group analytical hierarchy process (NAHP-G) capturing the maximum information in terms of credibility, inconsistency and indetermination. The 9 criteria on which an expert group intervenes are finally evaluated using VIKOR. The results show that non-probabilistic uncertainties influence the weights obtained, with maximum deviations in the criteria between 11.91% and 4.95%, if compared to conventional AHP. From the methodology it is obtained that the technological alternative with non-conventional concrete performs best in sustainable terms. Although the industrialized option has less environmental impact, only the simultaneous consideration of the economic, environmental and social pillars in a project will lead to appropriate sustainable designs.


Single-family house; Group multi-criteria decision making; Sustainable design; Neutrosophic sets theory; Analytic hierarchy process; Life cycle thinking; Modern methods of construction


SÁNCHEZ-GARRIDO, A.J.; NAVARRO, I.J.; YEPES, V. (2021). Neutrosophic multi-criteria evaluation of sustainable alternatives for the structure of single-family homesEnvironmental Impact Assessment Review, 89:106572. DOI:10.1016/j.eiar.2021.106572


Aportación a la toma de decisión multricriterio desde la teoría neutrosófica

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista Mathematics,  revista indexada en el primer decil del JCR. En este caso hemos aplicado la teoría neutrosófica a la toma de decisión multicriterio. La nueva propuesta se ha aplicado al problema del proyecto más sostenible para un un tablero de puente de hormigón pretensado situado en una región costera. El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.

Tras el reciente establecimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y de la Agenda 2030, el diseño sostenible de productos en general, y de infraestructuras en particular, surge como un campo desafiante para el desarrollo y la aplicación de herramientas de toma de decisiones multicriterio. Los problemas de decisión relacionados con la sostenibilidad suelen implicar, por definición, una gran variedad en cuanto a número y naturaleza de criterios conflictivos, lo que nos sitúa en el límite de la aplicabilidad de las herramientas convencionales de toma de decisiones multicriterio. Cuanto mayor sea el número de criterios y más complejas sean las relaciones existentes entre ellos en un problema de decisión, menos precisos y seguros serán los juicios requeridos por los métodos habituales, como el proceso de jerarquía analítica (AHP). El presente trabajo propone una metodología de finalización del AHP neutrosófico para reducir el número de juicios que debe emitir el decisor. Esto aumenta la consistencia de sus respuestas, a la vez que tiene en cuenta las incertidumbres asociadas a la borrosidad del pensamiento humano. El método se aplica a un problema de diseño sostenible, dando como resultado unas estimaciones de pesos que permiten reducir hasta un 22% las comparaciones requeridas convencionalmente, con una precisión media inferior al 10% entre las estimaciones y los pesos resultantes de una matriz AHP completada convencionalmente, y un error estándar medio de la raíz inferior al 15%.


After the recent establishment of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2030, the sustainable design of products in general and infrastructures in particular emerge as a challenging field for the development and application of multicriteria decision-making tools. Sustainability-related decision problems usually involve, by definition, a wide variety in number and nature of conflicting criteria, thus pushing the limits of conventional multicriteria decision-making tools practices. The greater the number of criteria and the more complex the relations existing between them in a decisional problem, the less accurate and certain are the judgments required by usual methods, such as the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The present paper proposes a neutrosophic AHP completion methodology to reduce the number of judgments required to be emitted by the decision maker. This increases the consistency of their responses, while accounting for uncertainties associated to the fuzziness of human thinking. The method is applied to a sustainable-design problem, resulting in weight estimations that allow for a reduction of up to 22% of the conventionally required comparisons, with an average accuracy below 10% between estimates and the weights resulting from a conventionally completed AHP matrix, and a root mean standard error below 15%.


Multicriteria decision-making tools; analytic hierarchy process; DEMATEL; neutrosophic logic; fuzzy decision making; sustainable design.


NAVARRO, I.J.; MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V. (2021). Neutrosophic completion technique for incomplete higher-order AHP comparison matrices. Mathematics, 9(5):496. DOI:10.3390/math9050496

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La dimensión social en la optimización sostenible del mantenimiento de puentes

Acabamos de presentar una comunicación en el 10th International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM/OPTI 2020, que se tuvo que desarrollar en Praga (República Checa) del 3 al 5 de junio, pero que por motivos del coronavirus, se ha desarrollado virtualmente del 2 al 4 de septiembre. A continuación os paso un resumen de la misma, así como la presentación que hemos realizado.

En los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible recientemente establecidos se reconoce la importancia de las infraestructuras para lograr un futuro sostenible. A lo largo de su largo ciclo de vida, las infraestructuras generan una serie de impactos cuya reducción ha sido uno de los principales focos de atención de los investigadores en los últimos años. La optimización de los intervalos de mantenimiento de las estructuras, como los puentes, ha despertado la atención del sector de la ingeniería civil, pues la mayoría de los impactos de las infraestructuras se producen durante su fase operativa. Así pues, actualmente los puentes se diseñan para atender a los efectos económicos y ambientales derivados de las actividades de mantenimiento. Sin embargo, en esos análisis se suele descuidar el pilar social de la sostenibilidad. Dado que todavía no existe una metodología universalmente aceptada para su evaluación coherente, la dimensión social no se incluye efectivamente en las evaluaciones del ciclo de vida de las infraestructuras. En la presente comunicación se evalúan los efectos del ciclo vital de diseños alternativos de los tableros de hormigón de los puentes en un entorno cercano a la costa que requiere mantenimiento. Los intervalos de mantenimiento derivados de la fiabilidad se optimizan primero minimizando los impactos económicos y ambientales. En una segunda etapa del análisis, se incluye la dimensión social en el proceso de optimización y se comparan los resultados. Los resultados de optimización de estas evaluaciones combinadas se obtienen aplicando la técnica de toma de decisiones multicriterio AHP-TOPSIS. En el presente documento se demuestra cómo la inclusión de la dimensión social puede conducir a estrategias de mantenimiento óptimo diferentes y más orientadas a la sostenibilidad. El enfoque tridimensional que se aplica aquí ha dado lugar a que se prefieran otras alternativas a las derivadas de la evaluación convencional que considera las perspectivas económica y ambiental. Esa conclusión apoya la idea de que se requieren evaluaciones holísticas del ciclo vital para el diseño sostenible de las infraestructuras y que es necesario hacer más esfuerzos urgentes para integrar la dimensión social en las evaluaciones de la sostenibilidad de las estructuras.

Figure 1: Product system boundaries (Navarro et al., 2020)


The recently established Sustainable Development Goals recognize the importance of infrastructures for achieving a sustainable future. Along their long-lasting life cycle, infrastructures generate a series of impacts, the reduction of which has been one of the main focus of researchers’ attention in the past years. The optimization of maintenance intervals of structures, such as bridges, has aroused the attention of the civil engineering sector, since most of the impacts of infrastructures occur during the operational phase. Thus, bridges are currently designed to attend the economic and environmental impacts derived from maintenance activities. However, the social pillar of sustainability is usually neglected in those analyses. Since no universally accepted methodology does yet exist for its consistent evaluation, the social dimension is not effectively included in the life cycle assessments of infrastructures. This communication evaluates the life cycle impacts of alternative concrete bridge deck designs in a maintenance-demanding environment near shore. Reliability-derived maintenance intervals are first optimized by minimizing the economic and environmental impacts. In a second stage of the analysis, the social dimension is included in the optimization process and results are compared. Optimization results from these combined assessments are obtained applying the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making technique AHP-TOPSIS. The present paper demonstrates how the inclusion of the social dimension may lead to different, more sustainability-oriented optimal maintenance strategies. The three-dimensional approach applied here has resulted in other alternatives to be preferred against those derived from the conventional assessment that considers the economic and environmental perspectives. Such finding supports the idea that holistic life cycle assessments are required for sustainable designs of infrastructures and that more efforts are urgently needed to integrate the social dimension in sustainability assessments of structures.


Life cycle assessment, bridges, maintenance, reliability, social impacts, sustainable design, sustainability, corrosion, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, AHP.


NAVARRO, I.J.; YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V. (2020). Social dimension on the sustainability-oriented maintenance optimization of bridges in coastal environments. 10th International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM/OPTI 2020, 3-5 June 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, 11 pp.

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Valoración multicriterio de alternativas sostenibles para viviendas unifamiliares

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista Journal of Cleaner Production, revista de ELSEVIER indexada en el primer decil del JCR.

En este artículo se presenta un estudio de tres alternativas estructurales diferentes que se aplican a un chalet adosado para facilitar la toma de decisiones, basándose en múltiples criterios y teniendo en cuenta la sostenibilidad. La metodología empleada permite identificar la estructura y evaluar las diferentes alternativas aquí propuestas para encontrar la opción óptima. Se compara una solución de referencia tradicional, un diseño prefabricado y, finalmente, una opción tecnológica basada en un sistema estructural integral de hormigón armado. El estudio proporciona un conjunto de indicadores para evaluar los aspectos ambientales, económicos y sociales de un edificio a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.

El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.

El artículo lo podéis descargar GRATUITAMENTE hasta el 25 de abril de 2020 en el siguiente enlace:



In the architecture sector, single-family housing projects are often linked to demand from private clients, without arousing very much interest from developers, who seek higher returns on other real estate assets. For any owner, the construction of a home is perhaps the biggest investment of their life, and success or failure will therefore depend on the right decision. This paper presents a study of three different structural alternatives that are applied to a terraced house to facilitate decision making by a self-promoter, based on multiple criteria and taking sustainability into consideration. The methodology used allows us to identify the structure and to evaluate the different alternatives proposed here in order to find the optimal option. A comparison is drawn between a traditional reference solution, a pre-cast design and finally a technological option based on an integral reinforced concrete structural system. Although the technical feasibility of these last two solutions has been proven, they have not yet received enough attention from researchers to allow the thermal envelope of the building to be solved at the same time as the structure itself. The last of these alternatives achieved the best valuation, although it is neither the most widely used alternative or the quickest to build. This study demonstrates the practical versatility of a method that is seldom used in residential construction and only rarely used for single-family homes. We evaluate three alternatives for optimizing the structure and enveloping walls of a self-promoted, terraced house from a sustainability perspective. The study provides a set of indicators for assessing the environmental, economic and social aspects of a building throughout its life cycle. The sustainability index of the structural envelope obtained in this way allows a self-promoter to prioritize solutions to ensure its global sustainability.


  • Each self-promoting decisions influence the global model of sustainable construction.
  • Self-construction prioritizes economic and functional aspects in the life cycle.
  • Three alternatives comparing traditional structure with non-conventional MMC systems.
  • A balance between the indicators favours a better sustainability index.
  • Reinforced concrete technology in housing reduces 10% lead times and 23% cost.


Single-family house
Multi-criteria decision making
Sustainable design


SÁNCHEZ-GARRIDO, A.J.; YEPES, V. (2020). Multi-criteria assessment of alternative sustainable structures for a self-promoted, single-family home. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120556. DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120556

Sostenibilidad y resiliencia de las infraestructuras a través de la planificación multinivel

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (revista indexada en el JCR) sobre la aplicación de la planificación multinivel como herramienta para mejorar la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia de las infraestructuras. El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.

Se aplica una metodología novedosa de control jerárquico con múltiples objetivos para abordar la vulnerabilidad urbana, la mejora del estado de la red de carreteras y la minimización del costo económico como objetivos en un proceso de planificación resistente en el que tanto las acciones como su ejecución se planifican para un desarrollo controlado y sostenible. Basándose en el Sistema de Apoyo al Planeamiento Urbano, una herramienta de planificación desarrollada previamente, el sistema mejorado de apoyo al planeamiento ofrece una alternativa de planificación en la red de carreteras española, con el mejor equilibrio multiobjetivo entre optimización, riesgo y oportunidad. El proceso de planificación formaliza entonces la capacidad de adaptación local como la capacidad de variar la alternativa de planificación seleccionada dentro de ciertos límites, y el control del riesgo global como las obligaciones que deben cumplirse a cambio. Por último, mediante la optimización multiobjetivo, el método revela los equilibrios multiobjetivo entre la oportunidad local, el riesgo global y los derechos y deberes a escala local, proporcionando así una comprensión más profunda para una toma de decisiones mejor informada.

El artículo se ha publicado en una revista de alto impacto internacional, Q1 de la WOS, Impact Factor = 2,468 (2018), en acceso abierto, que se puede descargar desde la siguiente dirección: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/3/962


Resilient planning demands not only resilient actions, but also resilient implementation, which promotes adaptive capacity for the attainment of the planned objectives. This requires, in the case of multi-level infrastructure systems, the simultaneous pursuit of bottom-up infrastructure planning for the promotion of adaptive capacity, and of top-down approaches for the achievement of global objectives and the reduction of structural vulnerabilities and imbalances. Though several authors have pointed out the need to balance bottom-up flexibility with top-down hierarchical control for better plan implementation, very few methods have yet been developed with this aim, least of all with a multi-objective perspective. This work addressed this lack by including, for the first time, the mitigation of urban vulnerability, the improvement of road network condition, and the minimization of the economic cost as objectives in a resilient planning process in which both actions and their implementation are planned for a controlled, sustainable development. Building on Urban planning support system (UPSS), a previously developed planning tool, the improved planning support system affords a planning alternative over the Spanish road network, with the best multi-objective balance between optimization, risk, and opportunity. The planning process then formalizes local adaptive capacity as the capacity to vary the selected planning alternative within certain limits, and global risk control as the duties that should be achieved in exchange. Finally, by means of multi-objective optimization, the method reveals the multi-objective trade-offs between local opportunity, global risk, and rights and duties at local scale, thus providing deeper understanding for better informed decision-making.


Multi-scale assessment; hierarchical relational modeling; cascading impacts; adaptive capacity; infrastructure integrated planning; road network; decentralization optimization


SALAS, J.; YEPES, V. (2020). Enhancing sustainability and resilience through multi-level infrastructure planning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:962; DOI:10.3390/ijerph17030962

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Optimización del mantenimiento basado en la fiabilidad bajo una perspectiva de ciclo de vida

Nos acaban de publicar en la revista de Elsevier del primer cuartil, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, un artículo donde se optimiza el mantenimiento de un puente considerando el ciclo de vida. Este artículo forma parte de nuestra línea de investigación DIMALIFE en la que se pretenden optimizar estructuras atendiendo no sólo a su coste, sino al impacto ambiental y social que generan a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.


Sustainability is of paramount importance when facing the design of long-lasting, maintenance-demanding structures. In particular, a sustainable life cycle design for concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments may lead to significant economic savings and reduced environmental consequences. The present study evaluates 18 different design alternatives for an existing concrete bridge deck exposed to chlorides, analyzing the economic and environmental impacts associated with each design as a function of the maintenance interval chosen. Results are illustrated in the context of a reliability-based maintenance optimization on life cycle costs and environmental impacts. Maintenance optimization significantly reduces life cycle impacts if compared to the damage resulting from performing the maintenance actions when the end of the structure’s service life is reached. Using concrete with 10% silica fume is the most effective prevention strategy against corrosion of reinforcement steel in economic terms, reducing the life cycle costs of the original deck design by 76%. From an environmental perspective, maintenance based on the hydrophobic treatment of the concrete deck surface results in the best performance, allowing for a reduction of the impacts associated with the original design by 82.8%.


Life cycle assessment; Life cycle cost analysis; Chloride corrosion; Sustainable design; Maintenance optimization; Reliability


NAVARRO, I.J.; MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V.  (2019). Reliability-based maintenance optimization of corrosion preventive designs under a life cycle perspective. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 74:23-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2018.10.001


Análisis del ciclo de vida de las medidas preventivas a la corrosión aplicadas a puentes pretensados

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista Environmental Impact Assessment Review (primer decil del JCR), de la editorial ELSEVIER, en el que se realiza una valoración de las medidas preventivas consideradas en el proyecto a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un puente de hormigón sometido a un ambiente costero, donde los clorhídricos suponen una agresión que supone un mantenimiento de la infraestructura. En el artículo se analizan 15 diseños diferentes y se comprueba que no siempre ejecutar un mantenimiento mínimo supone menores impactos ambientales. Además, los tratamientos superficiales y la adición de humo de sílice supone una reducción del 70% en los impactos.

Asimismo, podéis solicitar al autor una copia en la plataforma Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325690791_Life_cycle_impact_assessment_of_corrosion_preventive_designs_applied_to_prestressed_concrete_bridge_decks


NAVARRO, I.J.; YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V.; GONZÁLEZ-VIDOSA, F. (2018). Life cycle impact assessment of corrosion preventive designs applied to prestressed concrete bridge decks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 196:698-713. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.06.110


Chloride corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete structures is a major issue in the construction sector due to economic and environmental reasons. Assuming different prevention strategies in aggressive marine environments results in extending the service life of the exposed structures, reducing the maintenance actions required throughout their operation stage. The aim of the present study is to analyze the environmental implications of several prevention strategies through a life cycle assessment using a prestressed bridge deck as a case study.

The environmental impacts of 15 prevention alternatives have been evaluated when applied to a real case of study, namely a bridge deck exposed to a chloride laden surrounding. The Eco-indicator 99 methodology has been adopted for the evaluation of the impacts. As some of the alternatives involve the use of by-products such as fly ash and silica fume, economic allocation has been assumed to evaluate their environmental impacts.

Results from the life cycle analysis show that the environmental impacts of the chloride exposed structure can be reduced significantly by considering specific preventive designs, such as adding silica fume to concrete, reducing its water to cement ratio or applying hydrophobic or sealant treatments to its surface. In such scenarios, the damage caused to the environment mainly due to maintenance operations and material consumption can be reduced up to a 30–40% of the life cycle impacts associated to a conventional design. The study shows how the application of life cycle assessment methodologies can be of interest to reduce the environmental impacts derived from the maintenance operations required by bridge decks subjected to aggressive chloride laden environments.


Life cycle assessmentChloride corrosionPreventive measuresEco-indicator 99Bridge deckSustainable designConcrete


  • Life cycle assessment of different design strategies for bridge decks in marine environments.
  • 15 different design alternatives were studied and compared with the conventional design.
  • Less maintenance does not always result in lower environmental impacts.
  • Steel and maintenance are main contributors to environmental burdens.
  • Surface treatments and the addition of silica fume reduce impacts up to 70%.




Valoración social del ciclo de vida de un puente en un ambiente agresivo

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista Environmental Impact Assessment Review (primer decil del JCR), de la editorial ELSEVIER, en el que se realiza una valoración del impacto social a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un puente de hormigón sometido a un ambiente costero, donde los clorhídricos suponen una agresión que supone un mantenimiento de la infraestructura.

En el trabajo se analizan 15 alternativas diferentes durante el mantenimiento en relación con los impactos sociales. Los resultados indican que el uso de acero inoxidable en las armaduras y la adición de humo de sílice son preferibles a otras alternativas convencionales. Os dejo a continuación el resumen y las conclusiones.


NAVARRO, I.J.; YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V. (2018). Social life cycle assessment of concrete bridge decks exposed to aggressive environments. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 72:50-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2018.05.003


Sustainable design of structures includes environmental and economic aspects; social aspects throughout the life cycle of the structure, however, are not always adequately assessed. This study evaluates the social contribution of a concrete bridge deck. The social performance of the different design alternatives is estimated taking into account the impacts derived from both the construction and the maintenance phases of the infrastructure under conditions of uncertainty. Uncertain inputs related to social context are treated through Beta-PERT distributions. Maintenance needs for the different materials are estimated by means of a reliability based durability evaluation. Results show that social impacts resulting from the service life of bridges are not to be neglected in sustainability assessments of such structures. Designs that minimize maintenance operations throughout the service life, such as using stainless steel rebars or silica fume containing concretes, are socially preferable to conventional designs. The results can complement economic and environmental sustainability assessments of bridge structures.


Social life cycle assessmentChloride corrosionPreventive measuresGuidelinesConcrete bridgeSustainable design


  • Social Life Cycle Assessment of different design strategies for bridge decks in marine environments.
  • 15 design alternatives were studied and compared according to the Guidelines methodology.
  • Less maintenance results in better social performance.
  • Impacts during maintenance phase are main contributors to social performance
  • Stainless steel and the addition of silica fume are socially preferable to conventional designs.




Towards sustainable civil engineering works using precast concrete solutions

CV ARTICULOMost of the achieved advances related to define standardized methodologies to quantify the contribution to “sustainabilize” the construction are linked to buildings rather than infrastructures, and much more in particular to housing. Global impact on housing is the widest and highest one, gathering the three sustainable axis: environmental (greenhouse gas emissions derived from heating or cooling to reach indoor comfort  conditions), social (home is a basic need for families) and economic (it usually represents the main expense over the life of people). Meanwhile civil engineering work has not evolved as long on this topic. Although we generally refer to greater constructions, sustainable impacts are more diffused and don´t have such a direct repercussion into the citizens and daily life. For this reasons, there are not as many assessment methods for civil engineering works as there are for buildings, or even any literature regarding this field. Therefore it may implies a technical and promotional handicap to promote a higher use of precast concrete elements in a sort of constructions governed by engineers that usually appreciate better their performance advantages. This article pretends to describe the strengths that precast concrete construction will have into the upcoming standards for civil engineering works, in order to enhance their possibilities to reach a greater market share. Sustainable indicators on current draft standards will be assessed.


López-Vidal, A.; Yepes, V. (2015). Towards sustainable civil engineering works using precast concrete solutions. Concrete Plant International, 5: 18-24. (link)

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Cost and CO2 emission optimization of precast-prestressed concrete U-beam road bridges by a hybrid glowworm swarm algorithm

Esta es la versión post-print de autor. La publicación se encuentra en: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2014.10.013, siendo el Copyright de Elsevier.

El artículo debe ser citado de la siguiente forma:

Yepes, V.; Martí, JV.; García-Segura, T. (2015). Cost and CO2 emission optimization of precast prestressed concrete U-beam road bridges by a hybrid glowworm swarm algorithm. Automation in Construction. 49:123-134. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2014.10.013.

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