Técnica innovadora optimiza estructuras de hormigón y reduce emisiones de CO₂ al considerar la interacción suelo-estructura

El artículo científico, titulado «Metamodel-assisted meta-heuristic design optimization of reinforced concrete frame structures considering soil-structure interaction» y publicado recientemente en Engineering Structures, una de las revistas de mayor impacto en ingeniería civil, aborda un desafío clave en la ingeniería estructural: cómo optimizar el diseño de estructuras de hormigón armado para minimizar su impacto ambiental, con especial atención a la reducción de las emisiones de CO₂.

Esta investigación es el resultado de una colaboración internacional realizada en el marco de los proyectos HYDELIFE y RESILIFE, cuyo investigador principal es Víctor Yepes, y es fruto de una colaboración internacional entre investigadores de Cuba, Brasil y España.

Contexto de la investigación

La optimización estructural ha sido ampliamente explorada en las últimas décadas debido a la creciente necesidad de reducir los costes de construcción y el uso de materiales, todo ello mientras se minimiza el impacto ambiental. En el caso de las estructuras de hormigón armado, que son esenciales en la construcción de edificios y obras de infraestructura, optimizar su diseño conlleva implicaciones significativas en cuanto al ahorro de recursos y la reducción de las emisiones de CO₂.

Los problemas de optimización estructural pueden resolverse mediante métodos exactos, como la programación matemática, o mediante métodos heurísticos que imitan procesos naturales (como la evolución genética o el comportamiento de enjambres). Aunque los métodos heurísticos son más eficientes para problemas complejos y no lineales, como los que involucran grandes estructuras tridimensionales, requieren un alto coste computacional. Para abordar este problema, los autores proponen el uso de metamodelos, que son modelos simplificados que permiten realizar simulaciones con un consumo computacional mucho menor sin sacrificar demasiada precisión. En este estudio, se utiliza un metamodelo basado en Kriging, una técnica que permite aproximar el comportamiento de estructuras complejas.

Además, el estudio introduce una novedad crucial: la inclusión de la interacción suelo-estructura (SSI, por sus siglas en inglés) durante el modelado. Esta interacción, que muchas veces se ignora en los modelos tradicionales, afecta significativamente al comportamiento de la superestructura (el marco de hormigón). Ignorarla puede dar lugar a diseños menos precisos que no tienen en cuenta los asentamientos diferenciales del suelo, lo que puede provocar tensiones adicionales y un mayor deterioro de las estructuras con el tiempo.


La investigación emplea un enfoque combinado de optimización heurística convencional y una estrategia basada en Kriging para optimizar marcos espaciales de hormigón armado. El objetivo es reducir las emisiones de CO₂ de las estructuras optimizadas, en línea con los esfuerzos para disminuir el impacto ambiental del sector de la construcción. El estudio incluye tres estudios de caso, cada uno con diferentes configuraciones estructurales (variando la longitud de los vanos y el número de niveles de las estructuras) para generalizar los resultados.

El elemento clave en esta investigación es la inclusión de la interacción suelo-estructura, que afecta al comportamiento global del sistema. Los autores utilizan un modelo de Winkler, que representa el suelo como un conjunto de resortes con rigidez variable en función de las características del suelo, y lo implementan en dos tipos de suelos: uno cohesivo y otro granular. Esta diferenciación es importante porque cada tipo de suelo responde de manera distinta a las cargas, lo que provoca asentamientos que, en última instancia, influyen en las tensiones de la superestructura. La plataforma CSi-SAP2000 se utilizó como motor de cálculo, mientras que el análisis geotécnico y estructural se integró mediante MATLAB.


Uno de los hallazgos más destacados del estudio es que la inclusión de la interacción suelo-estructura modifica significativamente los diseños estructurales. En general, las estructuras diseñadas teniendo en cuenta la interacción suelo-estructura requieren más material (mayores cantidades de hormigón y acero), lo que refleja el aumento de tensiones debido a los asentamientos diferenciales. Por ejemplo, en comparación con un modelo con soportes rígidos ideales, las estructuras que consideran la inclusión de la interacción suelo-estructura muestran un aumento del 12,03 % en las emisiones de CO₂ en suelos cohesivos y hasta un 18,81 % en suelos friccionales.

Los elementos estructurales más afectados por la interacción suelo-estructura son las columnas. Esto se debe a que los asentamientos diferenciales incrementan los momentos flectores en las columnas, lo que requiere un refuerzo adicional y secciones más grandes para resistir las nuevas tensiones. En algunos casos, las emisiones de CO₂ asociadas a las columnas aumentaron más del 60 % al considerar la interacción con el suelo. Los resultados son especialmente marcados en suelos granulares, donde los asentamientos diferenciales son más pronunciados.

Además, la metodología basada en metamodelos, asistida por la técnica de Kriging, demostró ser eficaz para lograr optimizaciones con un alto grado de precisión (hasta un 98,24 % en suelos cohesivos y un 98,10 % en suelos granulares), todo ello reduciendo el tiempo de cálculo en aproximadamente un 90 % en comparación con los métodos heurísticos convencionales.


Este estudio tiene importantes implicaciones prácticas para el diseño de estructuras de hormigón armado. La inclusión de la interacción suelo-estructura permite obtener diseños más robustos y precisos, lo que reduce el riesgo de fallos prematuros y la necesidad de costosos trabajos de mantenimiento a largo plazo. Los modelos que no tienen en cuenta la interacción suelo-estructura pueden dar como resultado estructuras que inicialmente parecen eficientes, pero que con el tiempo se deterioran más rápidamente debido a las tensiones adicionales no previstas. Por tanto, incluir esta interacción desde el inicio del diseño mejora significativamente la durabilidad y la fiabilidad de las estructuras.

Desde el punto de vista ambiental, el uso de metamodelos para optimizar estructuras de hormigón supone un importante avance. Al reducir el material necesario y mejorar la eficiencia estructural, se contribuye a la reducción de las emisiones de CO₂, un objetivo clave en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Además, la metodología propuesta ofrece un enfoque más sostenible al disminuir los recursos computacionales necesarios para realizar simulaciones complejas.

En conclusión, la inclusión de la interacción suelo-estructura y el uso de metamodelos basados en Kriging suponen una contribución innovadora al campo de la ingeniería estructural. Esta investigación no solo proporciona mejores resultados de diseño, sino que también tiene el potencial de reducir el impacto ambiental de las estructuras de hormigón armado, lo que hace que el sector de la construcción sea más sostenible y eficiente.


NEGRÍN, I.; KRIPKA, M.; YEPES, V. (2023). Metamodel-assisted meta-heuristic design optimization of reinforced concrete frame structures considering soil-structure interaction. Engineering Structures, 293:116657. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116657

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Optimización multicriterio para el diseño sostenible de edificios con estructura de hormigón armado

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en el Journal of Cleaner Production, revista indexada en el primer decil del JCR. El trabajo se centra en la optimización del diseño multicriterio de los edificios con estructura de hormigón armado, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como el diseño eficiente, los factores ambientales (emisiones de CO₂) y la durabilidad. Explora las estrategias de optimización multiobjetivo y de un solo objetivo, así como el uso de los metamodelos de Kriging.

Los resultados muestran que tanto los enfoques de optimización multiobjetivo como los de un solo objetivo producen soluciones satisfactorias, lo que mejora significativamente los índices de sostenibilidad en comparación con el diseño tradicional. La metodología propuesta destaca la importancia de integrar técnicas de optimización avanzadas en los procedimientos de diseño tradicionales para promover prácticas de producción más limpias en el sector de la construcción.

Cabe destacar que la metodología propuesta mejora significativamente los índices de sostenibilidad en comparación con el diseño tradicional, lo que destaca la importancia de integrar técnicas de optimización avanzadas en los procedimientos de diseño tradicionales para promover prácticas de producción más limpias en el sector de la construcción.

El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación HYDELIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València. Es fruto de la tesis doctoral en marcha de Iván Negrín (Cuba), que tengo el placer de codirigir con el profesor Moacir Kripka (Brasil).


This paper implements the multi-criteria design optimization of three-dimensional reinforced concrete frame building structures, considering aspects such as the realistic design of the elements, including foundations within the structural assembly, or considering the soil-structure interaction. The criteria for a more comprehensive sustainable approach are related to environmental, constructive, and durability aspects. The environmental factor is measured through CO2 emissions, considering its capture due to concrete carbonation. The use of multi-objective strategies is evident in solving the multi-criteria problem. Still, it is also proposed to formulate this problem with a single function containing all the criteria to solve it as a single-objective optimization problem. Strategies are also offered to perform multi-objective optimization based on Kriging metamodels. Several alternatives for multi-criteria decision-making are explored. The results show that multi-objective metamodel-based optimization is a good strategy for solving this problem. Alternatively, the results of the single-objective optimization of the multi-criteria problem are very satisfactory. The solutions obtained are analyzed according to the type of optimization and the decision-making criteria. Optimized solutions significantly improve the sustainability indexes compared to traditional design. Multi-criteria optimization contributes significantly to achieving these indexes. Therefore, the proposed methodology allows for the sustainable design of any reinforced concrete frame structure. It highlights the importance of integrating more encompassing formulations and advanced optimization techniques into traditional design procedures to adopt cleaner production practices in the construction sector. Finally, several promising lines of research are presented.


Structural optimization; Reinforced concrete frame structures; Sustainable design; CO₂ emissions; Buildability; Service life


NEGRÍN, I.; KRIPKA, M.; YEPES, V. (2023). Multi-criteria optimization for sustainability-based design of reinforced concrete frame buildingsJournal of Cleaner Production, 425:139115. DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.139115

Os podéis descargar el artículo de forma gratuita hasta el 22 de noviembre de 2023 en esta dirección:



Optimización de estructuras de hormigón armado asistida por metamodelos considerando la interacción suelo-estructura

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en Engineering Structures, revista indexada en el primer cuartil del JCR. El artículo propone una estrategia de optimización metaheurística asistida por metamodelos para minimizar las emisiones de CO₂ de las estructuras de armazón de hormigón armado, teniendo en cuenta la interacción suelo-estructura. El enfoque permite abordar problemas de optimización estructural de alta complejidad y, al mismo tiempo, lograr un ahorro computacional de alrededor del 90%. El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación HYDELIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.

Las contribuciones de este trabajo son las siguientes:

  • El artículo propone una estrategia de optimización metaheurística asistida por metamodelos para minimizar las emisiones de CO₂ de las estructuras de armazón de hormigón armado, teniendo en cuenta la interacción suelo-estructura.
  • El enfoque sugerido permite abordar problemas de optimización estructural de alta complejidad y, al mismo tiempo, lograr un ahorro computacional de alrededor del 90%.
  • El estudio muestra que incluir la interacción suelo-estructura conduce a resultados de diseño diferentes a los obtenidos con los soportes clásicos, y que los cimientos también resultan importantes dentro del ensamblaje estructural.
  • El enfoque metaheurístico permite obtener resultados (de media) con una precisión de hasta el 98,24% en los suelos cohesivos y del 98,10% en los suelos friccionales, en comparación con los resultados de la optimización heurística.


It is well known that conventional heuristic optimization is the most common approach to deal with structural optimization problems. However, metamodel-assisted optimization has become a valuable strategy for decreasing computational consumption. This paper applies conventional heuristic and Kriging-based meta-heuristic optimization to minimize the CO2 emissions of spatial reinforced concrete frame structures, considering an aspect usually ignored during modeling, such as the soil-structure interaction (SSI). Due to the particularities of the formulated problem, there are better strategies than simple Kriging-based optimization to solve it. Thus, a meta-heuristic strategy is proposed using a Kriging-based two-phase methodology and a local search algorithm. Three different models of structures are used in the study. Results show that including the SSI leads to different design results than those obtained using classical supports. The foundations, usually ignored in this type of research, also prove significant within the structural assembly. Additionally, using an appropriate coefficient of penalization, the meta-heuristic approach can find (on average) results up to 98.24% accuracy for cohesive soils and 98.10% for frictional ones compared with the results of the heuristic optimization, achieving computational savings of about 90%. Therefore, considering aspects such as the SSI, the proposed metamodeling strategy allows for dealing with high-complexity structural optimization problems.


Structural optimization; Reinforced concrete; Frame structures; CO₂ emissions; Metamodel; Kriging; Soil-structure interaction


NEGRÍN, I.; KRIPKA, M.; YEPES, V. (2023). Metamodel-assisted meta-heuristic design optimization of reinforced concrete frame structures considering soil-structure interaction. Engineering Structures, 293:116657. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116657

Al tratarse de un artículo publicado en abierto, os dejo el mismo para su descarga. Espero que os sea de interés.

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High Performance and Optimum Structures and Materials Encompassing Shock and Impact Loading HPSM/OPTI/SUSI 2022

This scientific event is a new edition of the High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials Conference and follows that originated in Southampton as long ago as 1989 and the Structures under Shock and Impact that started in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also in 1989.

The use of novel materials and new structural concepts nowadays is not restricted to highly technical areas like aerospace, aeronautical applications or the automotive industry, but affects all engineering fields including those such as civil engineering and architecture. The conference addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts. Contributions will highlight the latest development in design and manufacturing issues.

Most high-performance structures require the development of a generation of new materials, which can more easily resist a range of external stimuli or react in a non-conventional manner. Particular emphasis will be placed on intelligent structures and materials as well as the application of computational methods for their modelling, control and management.

The conference also addresses the topic of design optimisation. Contributions on numerical methods and different optimisation techniques are also welcome, as well as papers on new software. Optimisation problems of interest to the meeting involve those related to size, shape and topology of structures and materials. Optimisation techniques have much to offer to those involved in the design of new industrial products, as the appearance of powerful commercial computer codes has created a fertile field for the incorporation of optimisation in the design process in all engineering disciplines.

The performance of the structures under shock and impact loads is another objective of the meeting. The increasing need to protect civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities against unintentional loads arising from accidental impact and explosion events as well as terrorist attacks is reflected in the sustained interest worldwide. While advances have been made in the last decades, many challenges remain, such as developing more effective and efficient blast and impact mitigation approaches than those that currently exist or assessing the uncertainties associated with large and small scale testing and validation of numerical and analytical models. All of that aimed to a better understanding of critical issues relating to the testing behaviour, modelling and analyses of protective structures against blast and impact loading.

The meeting will provide a friendly and useful forum for the interchange of ideas and interaction amongst researchers, designers and scholars in the community to share advances in the scientific fields related to the conference topics.

All conference papers are archived in the Wessex Institute eLibrary (www.witpress.com/elibrary) where they are easily and permanently available in Open Access format to the international community.

Conference Topics

The following list covers some of the topics to be presented at HPSM/OPTI/SUSI 2022. Papers on other subjects related to the objectives of the conference are also welcome.

  • Composite materials
  • Material characterisation
  • Natural fibre composites
  • Nanocomposites
  • Green composites
  • Composites for automotive applications
  • Transformable structures
  • Environmentally friendly and sustainable structures
  • Reliability-based design optimisation
  • Non-deterministic approaches
  • Evolutionary methods in optimisation
  • Aerospace structures
  • Biomechanics application
  • Lightweight structures
  • Design for sustainability
  • Design for durability
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Structural reliability
  • Smart materials and structures
  • Optimization of civil engineering structures
  • Optimization in mechanical engineering
  • Optimization in the car industry
  • Design optimization of tall buildings
  • Metaheuristic algorithms
  • New algorithms for size and topology optimisation
  • BIM tools for design optimization
  • Emerging materials
  • Impact and blast loading
  • Energy-absorbing issues
  • Computational and experimental results
  • Response of reinforced concrete under impact
  • Seismic behaviour
  • Protection of existing structures
  • Industrial accidents and explosions
  • Security issues
  • Response of composite structures to blast and impact
  • Vehicle impact
  • Ballistics analysis
  • Dynamic material behaviour
  • Fluid-structure interaction
  • Seismic soil-structure interaction
  • Case studies

More information: https://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2022/hpsm-opti-susi-2022

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International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM-OPTI 2020

The use of novel materials and new structural concepts nowadays is not restricted to highly technical areas like aerospace, aeronautical applications or the automotive industry, but affects all engineering fields including those such as civil engineering and architecture.

The conference addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts or new materials and their system design. Contributions will highlight the latest development in design, optimisation, manufacturing and experimentation in those areas. The meeting also aims to search for higher performance sustainable materials.

Most high performance structures require the development of a generation of new materials, which can more easily resist a range of external stimuli or react in a non-conventional manner. Particular emphasis will be placed on intelligent structures and materials as well as the application of computational methods for their modelling, control and management.

The conference also addresses the topic of design optimisation. Contributions on numerical methods and different optimisation techniques are also welcome, as well as papers on new software. Optimisation problems of interest to the meeting involve those related to size, shape and topology of structures and materials. Optimisation techniques have much to offer to those involved in the design of new industrial products.

The development of new algorithms and the appearance of powerful commercial computer codes with easy to use graphical interfaces has created a fertile field for the incorporation of optimisation in the design process in all engineering disciplines.

This scientific event is a new edition of the High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials Conference and follows the success of a number of meetings on structures and materials and on optimum design that originated in Southampton as long ago as 1989. As the meetings evolved they gave rise to the current series, which started in Seville in 2002, and followed by Ancona in 2004, Ostend in 2006, the Algarve in 2008, Tallinn in 2010, the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute in 2012, Ostend in 2014, Siena in 2016 and Ljubljana in 2018.

The meeting will provide a friendly and useful forum for the interchange of ideas and interaction amongst researchers, designers and scholars in the community to share advances in the scientific fields related to the conference topics


The following list covers some of the topics to be presented at HPSM/OPTI 2020. Papers on other topics related to the objectives of the conference are welcome

  • Composite materials
  • Material characterisation
  • Experiments and numerical analysis
  • Natural fibre composites
  • Nanocomposites
  • Green composites
  • Composites for automotive applications
  • Transformable structures
  • Environmentally friendly and sustainable structures
  • Structural optimisation
  • Reliability based design optimisation
  • Non deterministic approaches
  • Evolutionary methods in optimisation
  • Aerospace structures
  • Biomechanics application
  • Structures under extreme loading
  • Surface modification
  • Lightweight structures
  • Design for sustainability
  • Design for durability
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Structural reliability
  • Smart materials and structures
  • Optimization of civil engineering structures
  • Optimization on mechanical engineering
  • Optimization in car industry
  • Design optimization of tall buildings
  • Metaheuristic algorithms
  • New algorithms for size and topology optimisation
  • BIM tools for design optimization
  • Emerging materials
  • Case Studies

More information: https://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2020/hpsm-opti-2020

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Optimización de pasarelas peatonales de sección en cajón y hormigón de alta resistencia

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements un artículo en el que optimizamos pasarelas peatonales de sección en cajón y hormigón de alta resistencia. Se trata de una publicación en abierto, por lo que os dejamos a continuación el artículo completo para su lectura y descarga.


This paper deals with the economic optimization of high-performance post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. To this end, a program analyzes and evaluates the structural restrictions following Spanish codes for structural concrete and bridge design loads. This problem includes 33 discrete design variables that define the geometry, the concrete, the reinforcing steel bars and the post-tensioned steel. Various acceptance criteria are proposed to modify a variant of the simulated annealing algorithm with a neighborhood move based on the mutation operator from the genetic algorithms (SAMO). An objective methodology based on the extreme value theory is used to determine the number of experimental tests required to provide a solution with user-defined accuracy as compared to a global optimum solution. Results indicate that the local optima found by SAMO2 fits a three parameter Weibull distribution and improves the cost results for this structural problem. The minimum value obtained by SAMO2 differed just 0.34% compared to the theoretical minimum value so that, from the structural engineering perspective, the divergence was small enough to be accepted. High strength concrete performance was further studied in a concrete strength parametric study to acquire more evidence-based knowledge on its implications for economic efficiency. Finally, the study showed that high-strength concrete decreases the cost by 4.5% and the amount of concrete by 26%.


Box-girder bridge, extreme value theory, high-strength concrete, post-tensioned concrete, simulated annealing, Structural optimization


YEPES, V.; PÉREZ-LÓPEZ, E.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; ALCALÁ, J. (2019). Optimization of high-performance concrete post-tensioned box-girder pedestrian bridges. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 7(2):118-129. DOI: 10.2495/CMEM-V7-N2-118-129

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Método acelerado de optimización de puentes en cajón


Acaban de publicarnos en Engineering Structures, revista de ELSEVIER indexada en el primer cuartil del JCR, un artículo en el que hemos propuesto un novedoso método de optimización que acelera los cálculo al emplear Kriging como metamodelo en los cálculos intermedios de las iteraciones de un proceso de optimización heurística. Se ha aplicado en la optimización de la energía requerida para la construcción de un puente en cajón de hormigón pretensado, pero la metodología es aplicable al cálculo de cualquier estructura. Este artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE. Como se ha publicado en abierto, os puedo pasar el artículo completo, que os podéis descargar también en la propia revista.


Structural optimization is normally carried out by means of conventional heuristic optimization due to the complexity of the structural problems. However, the conventional heuristic optimization still consumes a large amount of time. The use of metamodels helps to reduce the computational cost of the optimization and, along these lines, kriging-based heuristic optimization is presented as an alternative to carry out an accelerated optimization of complex problems. In this work, conventional heuristic optimization and kriging-based heuristic optimization will be applied to reach the optimal solution of a continuous box-girder pedestrian bridge of three spans with a low embodied energy. For this purpose, different penalizations and different initial sample sizes will be studied and compared. This work shows that kriging-based heuristic optimization provides results close to those of conventional heuristic optimization using less time. For the sample size of 50, the best solution differs about 2.54% compared to the conventional heuristic optimization, and reduces the computational cost by 99.06%. Therefore, the use of a kriging model in structural design problems offers a new means of solving certain structural problems that require a very high computational cost and reduces the difficulty of other problems.

KEYWORDS: Low-embodied energy; Post-tensioned concrete; Box-girder bridge; Structural optimization; Metamodel; Kriging

PENADÉS-PLÀ, V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; YEPES, V. (2019). Accelerated optimization method for low-embodied energy concrete box-girder bridge design. Engineering Structures, 179:556-565. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.11.015


Estudio paramétrico de pasarelas de hormigón de sección en cajón

Os dejo a continuación, en abierto, un estudio paramétrico que hemos realizado sobre pasarelas de hormigón postesado de sección en cajón. Espero que os sea de interés.


YEPES, V.; PÉREZ-LÓPEZ, E.; ALCALÁ, J.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T. (2018). Parametric study of concrete box-girder footbridges. Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation, 1(2):67-74. doi:10.31462/jcemi.2018.01067074


This paper presents a study of the parametric variability of post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. SAMO2 algorithm is used for the parametric study. This algorithm combines SA with a mutation operator, to find the economic solutions. A span-length parametric study analyzes the characteristics for the best design of a three-span deck in which the main span ranges from 30 to 60 m. The depth and the number of strands were adjusted according to span length, while the thickness of the slabs presented the same optimum values in all cases. Results show that the amount of steel and volume of concrete per square meter of deck shows a good correlation with the main span length. This study demonstrates that by increasing the main span length by one meter, the total cost per square meter of the deck increases by 6.38 euros on average. Thus, this paper shows the relationship between the span length and geometrical and steel variables to produce and build a cost-efficient pedestrian bridge.


Structural optimization; Post-tensioned concrete; Box-girder bridge; Pedestrian bridge

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Special Issue on Advanced Optimization Techniques and Their Applications in Civil Engineering

Civil Engineers are involved with the creation, monitoring, and management of infrastructural resources, as well as the e›cient, economic utilization and management of renewable natural resources. Nowadays a rapid growth of computer performance enables and encourages new developments in civil engineering as well as related areas. For instance, the construction industry investigates new designs with minimum cost, minimum CO2 emissions, or embodied energy, among other objectives. Conventional optimization techniques are usually inadequate to nd best designs by taking into account all design variables, objectives, and constraints in the complex civil engineering problems. Applications of optimization techniques are most exciting, challenging, and of truly large scale when it comes to the problems of civil engineering in terms of both quality and quantity. In order to overcome the di›culties, researchers are interested in advanced optimization techniques. In the recent literature, researchers have applied the advanced optimization techniques to dišerent purposes.

The aim of this special issue is to collect the studies using optimization algorithms in civil engineering problems such as structural engineering, construction management, and environmental engineering. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following: Intelligent optimization Swarm and evolutionary optimization techniques Single and multiobjective optimization Predictive modeling and optimization Computational complexity and optimization Continuous or discrete optimization Structural optimization Size, shape, and topology optimization New design optimization applications in civil engineering New and novel approaches and techniques for solving optimization problems in civil engineering New research in any areas closely related to optimization and civil engineering designs Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at http://mts.hindawi.com/submit/journals/ace/otace/

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International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM-OPTI 2018

The use of novel materials and new structural concepts nowadays is not restricted to highly technical areas like aerospace, aeronautical applications or the automotive industry, but affects all engineering fields including those such as civil engineering and architecture.

The conference addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts or new materials and their system design. Contributions will highlight the latest development in design, optimisation, manufacturing and experimentation in those areas. The meeting also aims to search for higher performance sustainable materials.

Most high performance structures require the development of a generation of new materials, which can more easily resist a range of external stimuli or react in a non-conventional manner. Particular emphasis will be placed on intelligent structures and materials as well as the application of computational methods for their modelling, control and management.

The conference also addresses the topic of design optimisation. Contributions on numerical methods and different optimisation techniques are also welcome, as well as papers on new software. Optimisation problems of interest to the meeting involve those related to size, shape and topology of structures and materials. Optimisation techniques have much to offer to those involved in the design of new industrial products.

The development of new algorithms and the appearance of powerful commercial computer codes with easy to use graphical interfaces has created a fertile field for the incorporation of optimisation in the design process in all engineering disciplines.

This scientific event is a new edition of the High Performance Design of Structures and Materials conference and follows the success of a number of meetings on structures and materials and on optimum design that originated in Southampton as long ago as 1989. As the meetings evolved they gave rise to the current series, which started in Seville in 2002, and followed by Ancona in 2004, Ostend in 2006, the Algarve in 2008, Tallinn in 2010, the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute in 2012, Ostend in 2014 and Siena in 2016.

The meeting will provide a friendly and useful forum for the interchange of ideas and interaction amongst researchers, designers and scholars in the community to share advances in High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials.

More information: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2018/hpsm-opti-2018

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