Study of criteria used to obtain a sustainable bridge

Abstract. The sustainable development of bridges is mainly based on meeting the three pillars of sustainability (economic, social and environmental factors) which have different goals. Each main criterion groups a large number of subcritera. Therefore, achieve a sustainable bridge is a complicate problem that involves a high number of factors in each stage of bridge life-cycle. For this reason, decision-making is a helpful process to solve the sustainability problem. The objective of this work is to review the bridge life-cycle decision-making problems that involve criteria that represent the pillars of the sustainability. While some works only consider criteria related to one or two of these pillars, the most current works consider criteria that involve all the pillars of sustainability. Furthermore, most of the works reviewed only study one stage of bridge life-cycle. This study shows the criteria used in some revised journal articles in each bridge life-cycle phase and, the multi-attribute decision-making used to achieve the sustainability. In addition, a small explanation of the obtained information will be carried out.

Keywords: Multi-criteria, Life-cycle, Decision-making, MCDM, MADM


PENADÉS, V.; YEPES, V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.; MARTÍ, J.V. (2017). Study of criteria used to obtain a sustainable bridge. Proceedings of the Ninth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Valencia, Spain, July 24-July 29.    doi: 10.14455/ISEC.res.2017.177

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The Ninth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference

Esta semana, del 24 al 29 de julio de 2017, se celebra en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Valencia la 9ª Conferencia Internacional de Ingeniería Estructural y Construcción (The Ninth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, ISEC-9). Constituye esta Conferencia un evento de especial importancia internacional que este año trata sobre las construcción sostenible y las estructuras resilientes. El Chair de la Conferencia es nuestro Director de la Escuela de Caminos, el profesor Eugenio Pellicer. Mi participación consiste es la de pertenecer al Comité Científico y ser coeditor de las actas científicas.

Por si os interesa, la página web de la Conferencia es:



Environmental impact shares of a reinforced concrete earth-retaining wall with buttresses

Abstract: Structural engineers focus on the reduction of carbon emissions in reinforced concrete structures, while other impacts affecting ecosystems and human health become secondary or are left behind. The featured life cycle assessment shows the impacts corresponding to each construction stage of an earth-retaining wall with buttresses. In this study the contribution ratio of each input flow is analyzed. Accordingly, concrete, landfill, machinery, formwork, steel, and transport are considered. Results show that despite the concrete almost always accounts for the largest contribution to each impact, the impact shares of steel present noticeable sensitivity to the steel-manufacturing route. The parameter of study is the recycling rate, usually 75% reached in Spain. Noticeable variation is found when the recycling content increases. The relationship between the impacts of each material with the amount of material used discloses research interest.


Keywords: Life cycle assessment, Functional unit, Steel recycling rate, Concrete ratio, Photochemical oxidation, Ozone depletion, Global warming.


MOLINA-MORENO, F.; MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V.; CIROTH, A. (2017). Environmental impact shares of a reinforced concrete earth-retaining wall with buttresses. The Ninth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Resilient Structures and Sustainable Construction ISEC-9, Valencia, Spain July 24-July 29.

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