Sostenibilidad del mantenimiento de carreteras bajo presupuestos restrictivos


¿Es posible un mantenimiento sostenible de las carreteras cuando apenas existen presupuestos para ello?

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TORRES-MACHI, C.; PELLICER, E.; YEPES, V.; CHAMORRO, A. (2017). Towards a sustainable optimization of pavement maintenance programs under budgetary restrictions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 148:90-102.


Transport sector constitutes the second largest source of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, being the road transportation the main contributor of these emissions. Efforts in the road sector have traditionally focused on vehicle emissions and infrastructure is typically not included in the emissions account. Road environmental impact is estimated to increase by 10% if the stages of road design, construction, and operation were considered. Previous literature has widely study sustainable practices in pavement design and construction, with little attention paid to maintenance. Current state of practice reveals that pavement managers barely consider environmental performance and their evaluations solely rely on technical and economic criteria. This situation creates the need to incorporate, in an integrated manner, technical, economic, and environmental aspects in the design of maintenance programs. The main objective of this research is to develop a tool for the optimal design of sustainable maintenance programs. Given a maintenance budget, the tool aims to maximize the long-term effectiveness of the network while minimizing GHG emissions derived from the application of maintenance treatments. The capability of the proposed tool is analyzed in a case study dealing with an urban pavement network. In comparison to the traditional maintenance policy, the proposed tool designs maintenance programs that increase the average network condition by up to 22% and reduces GHG emissions by 12%. This application also analyzes the effect of different budgetary scenarios in the technical and environmental performance of the network. This application helps pavement managers in the trade-off between budget and network performance.


  • Greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Long-term effectiveness;
  • Optimization;
  • Sustainability;
  • Pavement management;
  • Sensitivity analysis

Gestión sostenible de pavimentos

trr.2015.issue-2523.coverLa gestión sostenible de los pavimentos supone la integración de aspectos económicos, técnicos y medioambientales en la toma de decisiones. A continuación dejo el resumen y la referencia de un artículo que nos acaban de publicar al respecto. El artículo completo lo podéis solicitar a la siguiente dirección:


Sustainability, which is founded on the reconciliation of economic, environmental, and social aspects, has become a major issue for infrastructure managers. The economic and environmental impacts of pavement maintenance are not negligible. More than $400 billion are invested globally each year in pavement construction and maintenance. These projects increase the environmental impacts of vehicle operation by 10%. Because maintenance should be technically appropriate, infrastructure managers must integrate technical, economic, and environmental aspects in the evaluation of maintenance alternatives over the life cycle of a pavement. However, these aspects are normally assessed in measurement units that are difficult to combine in the decision-making process. This research examined and compared methods for the integrated consideration of technical, economic, and environmental aspects, and this study aimed to assist highway agencies, researchers, and practitioners with the integration of these aspects for the sustainable management of pavements. For this purpose, a set of maintenance alternatives for asphalt pavements was evaluated. Methods for the integration of these aspects were explored and led to recommendations for the most suitable methods for different scenarios. As a result of this analysis, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is recommended when the number of alternatives is small. In these situations, the AHP leads to results that are similar to those of the weighting-sum and multiattribute approaches that are frequently used for intuitive selection. However, when the number of alternatives is large, pair comparison becomes difficult with the AHP and the weighting-sum method becomes more appropriate.

Figura 1
Efectividad de las diferentes alternativas de tratamiento


TORRES-MACHÍ, C.; CHAMORRO, A.; PELLICER, E.; YEPES, V.; VIDELA, C. (2015). Sustainable pavement management: Integrating economic, technical, and environmental aspects in decision making. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2523, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 56–63. DOI: 10.3141/2523-07

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