Estudio de los puentes de las cinco mayores regiones económicas de China

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (revista indexada en el JCR, en el primer cuartil) donde se estudia el ciclo de vida completo de seis puentes atirantados en las más importantes regiones económicas de China.

El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.


The construction industry of all countries in the world is facing the issue of sustainable development. How to make effective and accurate decision-making on the three pillars (Environment; Economy; Social influence) is the key factor. This manuscript is based on an accurate evaluation framework and theoretical modelling. Through a comprehensive evaluation of six cable-stayed highway bridges in the entire life cycle of five provinces in China (from cradle to grave), the research shows that life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), life cycle cost assessment (LCCA), and social impact life assessment (SILA) are under the influence of multi-factor change decisions. The manuscript focused on the analysis of the natural environment over 100 years, material replacement, waste recycling, traffic density, casualty costs, community benefits and other key factors. Based on the analysis data, the close connection between high pollution levels and high cost in the maintenance stage was deeply promoted, an innovative comprehensive evaluation discrete mathematical decision-making model was established, and a reasonable interval between gross domestic product (GDP) and sustainable development was determined.


sustainable development; LCIA; LCCA; SILA; cable-stayed bridge; GDP.


ZHOU, Z.; ALCALÁ, J.; YEPES, V. (2021). Environmental, economic and social impact assessment: study of bridges in China’s five major economic regions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1):122. DOI:10.3390/ijerph18010122

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Análisis de ciclo de vida del puente atirantado sobre el río Hun He en Liaoning, China

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (revista indexada en el JCR, en el primer cuartil) sobre el ciclo de vida del puente atirantado sobre el río Hun He, en Liaoning, China.

El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.

En este trabajo se estudió impacto ambiental de un puente atirantado de tres torres mediante el software openLCA, y se analizaron más de 23.680 grupos de datos utilizando la cadena de Markov y otros métodos de investigación. La conclusión muestra que el control de la contaminación de los vehículos que pasan y la mejora de la durabilidad de los materiales de construcción son la clave para reducir la contribución del carbono.


Due to the rapid growth of the construction industry’s global environmental impact, especially the environmental impact contribution of bridge structures, it is necessary to study the detailed environmental impact of bridges at each stage of the entire life cycle, which can provide optimal data support for sustainable development analysis. In this work, the environmental impact case of a three-tower cable-stayed bridge was analyzed through openLCA software, and more than 23,680 groups of data were analyzed using the Markov chain and other research methods. It was concluded that the cable-stayed bridge contributed the most to the global warming potential value, which was mainly concentrated in the operation and maintenance phases. The conclusion shows that controlling the exhaust pollution of passing vehicles and improving the durability of building materials were the keys to reducing carbon contribution and are also important directions for future research.


Greenhouse gas; environmental impact; cable-stayed bridge; life-cycle assessment; sustainable construction


ZHOU, Z.; ALCALÁ, J.; YEPES, V. (2020). Bridge Carbon Emissions and Driving Factors Based on a Life-Cycle Assessment Case Study: Cable-Stayed Bridge over Hun He River in Liaoning, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16):5953. DOI:10.3390/ijerph17165953

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