Open Access Book: Sustainable Construction II

Tengo el placer de compartir con todos vosotros, totalmente en abierto, un libro que he editado junto con el profesor, José V. Martí. La labor de editar libros científicos es una oportunidad de poder seleccionar aquellos autores y temas que destacan en un ámbito determinado. En este caso, la construcción sostenible.

Además, resulta gratificante ver que el libro se encuentra editado en abierto, por lo que cualquiera de vosotros os lo podéis descargar sin ningún tipo de problema en esta entrada del blog. También os lo podéis descargar, o incluso pedirlo en papel, en la página web de la editorial MPDI:


YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V. (Eds.) (2021). Sustainable Construction II. MPDI, 112 pp., Basel, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-0365-0484-1

Preface to ”Sustainable Construction”

Construction is one of the main sectors that generates greenhouse gases. This industry consumes large amounts of raw materials, such as stone, timber, water, etc. Additionally, infrastructure should provide service over many years without safety problems. Therefore, their correct design, construction, maintenance, and dismantling are essential to reducing economic, environmental, and societal consequences. That is why promoting sustainable construction has recently become extremely important. To help address and resolve these types of questions, this book is comprised of five chapters that explore new ways of reducing the environmental impacts caused by the construction sector, as well to promote social progress and economic growth. The chapters collect papers included in the “Sustainable Construction II” Special Issue of the Sustainability journal. We would like to thank both the MDPI publishing and editorial staff for their excellent work, as well as the 18 authors who collaborated in its preparation. The papers cover a wide spectrum of issues related to the use of sustainable materials in construction, the optimization of designs based on sustainable indicators, the life-cycle assessment, the decision-making processes that integrate economic, social, and environmental aspects, and the promotion of durable materials that reduce future maintenance.

About the Editors

Víctor Yepes is a full professor of Construction Engineering; he holds a Ph.D. in civil engineering. He serves at the Department of Construction Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain. He has been the Academic Director of the M.S. studies in concrete materials and structures since 2007 and a Member of the Concrete Science and Technology Institute (ICITECH). He is currently involved in several projects related to the optimization and life-cycle assessment of concrete structures, as well as optimization models for infrastructure asset management. He currently teaches courses in construction methods, innovation, and quality management. He has authored more than 250 journals and conference papers, including more than 100 published in journals quoted in JCR. He acted as an expert for project proposal evaluation for the Spanish Ministry of Technology and Science, and he is a main researcher in many projects. He currently serves as an Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management and a member of the editorial board of 12 other international journals (Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Mathematics, Sustainability, Revista de la Construcción, Advances in Civil Engineering, Advances in Concrete Construction, among others).

José V. Martí is an Associate Professor in the Department of Construction Engineering and Civil Engineering Projects at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Initially, he worked for private companies in the construction sector, business consulting, and financial entities, and later as a freelance professional. He has taught since 1995 and, in many cases, served as the head of subjects in the Master of Civil Engineering, Geodetic Engineering and Topography, and in the degrees in Civil Engineering and PublicWorks. He has educated students on all matters related to the subject of construction procedures, quality, organization of works, and civil engineering machinery. He has participated in nine didactic books, 23 notebooks, 31 articles in teaching congresses, and a teaching innovation project. For his own research activity, he has a book as an author, a book chapter, and a participant in 29 articles in JCR journals. His lines of research are mainly focused on the optimization of structures through the application of metaheuristic techniques, and on the life-cycles and sustainability of structures.

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