Optimización de la gestión sostenible de pavimentos con presupuestos restrictivos

carretera_deterioradaNo resulta nada fácil realizar el mantenimiento de una red de carreteras durante un horizonte, digamos de 20 años, cuando los presupuestos son muy restrictivos. Las consecuencias son nefastas para la calidad del servicio prestado por dicha infraestructura. El problema deriva del hecho de tener que elegir la mejor opción de mantenimiento, en el momento adecuado, con un presupuesto mínimo, de forma que todo ello permita maximizar la condición de servicio de la infraestructura. ¡Un problema nada fácil!

Para solucionar este tipo de problemas hemos propuesto un algoritmo heurístico novedoso capaz de generar soluciones óptimas en casos tan complicados como el que se presenta.

Os dejo el resumen, las palabras clave y la referencia por si queréis citar el artículo.

tcem20.v022.i04.coverAbstract. Insufficient investment in the public sector together with inefficient maintenance infrastructure programs lead to high economic costs in the long term. Thus, infrastructure managers need practical tools to maximize the Long-Term Effectiveness (LTE) of maintenance programs. This paper describes an optimization tool based on a hybrid Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) considering Threshold Accepting (TA) with relaxed constraints. This tool facilitates the design of optimal maintenance programs subject to budgetary and technical restrictions, exploring the effect of different budgetary scenarios on the overall network condition. The optimization tool is applied to a case study demonstrating its efficiency to analyze real data. Optimized maintenance programs are shown to yield LTE 40% higher than the traditional programs based on a reactive strategy. To extend the results obtained in this case study, a set of simulated scenarios, based on the range of values found in the real example, are also optimized. This analysis concludes that this optimization algorithm enhances the allocation of maintenance funds over the one obtained under a traditional reactive strategy. The sensitivity analysis of a range of budgetary scenarios indicates that the funding level in the early years is a driving factor of the LTE of optimal maintenance programs.

Keywords: Maintenance program; Network management; Heuristic optimization; Asset management; Infrastructure management; Pavement.


YEPES, V.; TORRES-MACHÍ, C.; CHAMORRO, A.; PELLICER, E. (2016). Optimal pavement maintenance programs based on a hybrid greedy randomized adaptive search procedure algorithm. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22(4):540-550. DOI: 10.3846/13923730.2015.1120770

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