There is a need for supplementary learning and training in management applied to the construction industry, as many authors, professionals and organisations have already recognised. The assessment and up-keeping of management competencies are essential for the performance of individuals and organisations that work in the construction sector. Most of the universities syllabuses focus in traditional construction courses that do not deal with the most relevant features of management for engineers and architects in the construction industry; these graduate courses mainly cover an assortment of design-oriented issues, leaving no room for managerial topics. Thus, management is a crucial issue for professionals in the construction sector; currently, an engineer or an architect must have some knowledge of every managerial issue valuable in construction. Taking the complete life cycle of the infrastructure as a reference, a holistic attitude must be pursued. Therefore, a model for management and administration in construction is proposed in this paper. This model displays two dimensions: life cycle (per phase) and organisational level. The former is linked to time through the four well-known phases of the construction process: feasibility, design, construction and operation. The latter considers four organisational levels that can be found in the construction sector: life cycle, company, project (or team) and individual. In order to test the appropriateness and usefulness of the model, two applications are implemented. The first one is the analysis of the outputs of a European project which goal was to produce seven basic books for construction managers; this project was developed by several universities and professional associations of the European Union. The second one is the design of a new syllabus in civil engineering (M.Sc. degree) with a specialisation of 30 ECTS; right now, this proposal is being discussed in the School of Civil Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) to get it implemented in 2010 due to the new academic scenario according to the Bologna process. The model presented in this paper offers an innovative framework for orientation to organisations, professionals and academicians in order to improve the knowledge of management and administration in the construction industry.
PELLICER, E.; YEPES, V.; TEIXEIRA, J.C.; CATALÁ; J. (2009). Developing learning manuals for European construction project managers, in Gómez, L.; Martí, D; Candel I. (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, EDULEARN 09, pp. 2374-2384. 6-8 July, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-612-9802-0. (link)