Optimización del mantenimiento basado en la fiabilidad bajo una perspectiva de ciclo de vida

Nos acaban de publicar en la revista de Elsevier del primer cuartil, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, un artículo donde se optimiza el mantenimiento de un puente considerando el ciclo de vida. Este artículo forma parte de nuestra línea de investigación DIMALIFE en la que se pretenden optimizar estructuras atendiendo no sólo a su coste, sino al impacto ambiental y social que generan a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.


Sustainability is of paramount importance when facing the design of long-lasting, maintenance-demanding structures. In particular, a sustainable life cycle design for concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments may lead to significant economic savings and reduced environmental consequences. The present study evaluates 18 different design alternatives for an existing concrete bridge deck exposed to chlorides, analyzing the economic and environmental impacts associated with each design as a function of the maintenance interval chosen. Results are illustrated in the context of a reliability-based maintenance optimization on life cycle costs and environmental impacts. Maintenance optimization significantly reduces life cycle impacts if compared to the damage resulting from performing the maintenance actions when the end of the structure’s service life is reached. Using concrete with 10% silica fume is the most effective prevention strategy against corrosion of reinforcement steel in economic terms, reducing the life cycle costs of the original deck design by 76%. From an environmental perspective, maintenance based on the hydrophobic treatment of the concrete deck surface results in the best performance, allowing for a reduction of the impacts associated with the original design by 82.8%.


Life cycle assessment; Life cycle cost analysis; Chloride corrosion; Sustainable design; Maintenance optimization; Reliability


NAVARRO, I.J.; MARTÍ, J.V.; YEPES, V.  (2019). Reliability-based maintenance optimization of corrosion preventive designs under a life cycle perspective. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 74:23-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2018.10.001