Análisis del ciclo de vida: comparación entre dos puentes postesados óptimos de sección en cajón

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista del JCR (Q2) Sustainability que compara dos puentes postesados óptimos de sección en cajón atendiendo a su ciclo de vida. Creemos que la metodología empleada puede ser de interés para casos de estructuras de hormigón similares a las presentadas. El artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación BRIDLIFE “Puentes pretensados de alta eficiencia social y medioambiental bajo presupuestos restrictivos“.

Os paso a continuación el resumen y el artículo propiamente dicho, pues está publicado en abierto.




The goal of sustainability involves a consensus among economic, environmental and social factors. Due to climate change, environmental concerns have increased in society. The construction sector is among the most active high environmental impact sectors. This paper proposes new features to consider a more detailed life-cycle assessment (LCA) of reinforced or pre-stressed concrete structures. Besides, this study carries out a comparison between two optimal post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges with different maintenance scenarios. ReCiPe method is used to carry out the life-cycle assessment. The midpoint approach shows a complete environmental profile with 18 impact categories. In practice, all the impact categories make their highest contribution in the manufacturing and use and maintenance stages. Afterwards, these two stages are analyzed to identify the process which makes the greatest contribution. In addition, the contribution of CO2fixation is taken into account, reducing the environmental impact in the use and maintenance and end of life stages. The endpoint approach shows more interpretable results, enabling an easier comparison between different stages and solutions. The results show the importance of considering the whole life-cycle, since a better design reduces the global environmental impact despite a higher environmental impact in the manufacturing stage.


sustainabilityenvironmental impactlife-cycle assessmentconstruction LCAbridge LCAReCiPe;sustainable construction


PENADÉS-PLÀ, V.; MARTÍ, J.V.; GARCÍA-SEGURA, T.;  YEPES, V. (2017). Life-cycle assessment: A comparison between two optimal post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges. Sustainability, 9(10):1864. doi:10.3390/su9101864 (link)

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