La evaluación de la sostenibilidad social de los proyectos no es un tema sencillo ni inmediato. Si bien los impactos medioambientales se han estudiado en el ámbito científico con cierta profundidad, los impactos sociales de las infraestructuras se han investigado mucho menos. Es más, en numerosas ocasiones dichos impactos se han minusvalorado. Pues bien, nos acaban de publicar un artículo en la revista Environmental Impact Assessment Review (revista indexada en el JCR, primer cuartil de impacto) en el cual proponemos una metodología que permite afrontar este reto.
Puedes solicitar este artículo accediendo al siguiente enlace: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313218553_Method_for_estimating_the_social_sustainability_of_infrastructure_projects
SIERRA, L.A.; PELLICER, E.; YEPES, V. (2017). Method for estimating the social sustainability of infrastructure projects. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 65:41-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2017.02.004
- Method to select suitable infrastructure projects from the social sustainability point of view
- Emphasizes social interactions of the infrastructure in the short and long term
- Distinguishes the social sustainability of infrastructure projects in different locations
- Efficiency of a social contribution in terms of early social benefits and a long-term distribution
- Supports early decision-making of public agencies regarding infrastructure projects
Nowadays, sustainability assessments tend to focus on the biophysical and economic considerations of the built environment. Social facets are generally underestimated when investment in infrastructure projects is appraised. This paper proposes a method to estimate the contribution of infrastructure projects to social sustainability. This method takes into account the interactions of an infrastructure with its environment in terms of the potential for short and long-term social improvement. The method is structured in five stages: (1) social improvement criteria and goals to be taken into account are identified and weighed; (2) an exploratory study is conducted to determine transfer functions; (3) each criterion is homogenized through value functions; (4) the short and long-term social improvement indices are established; and finally, (5) social improvement indices are contrasted to identify the socially selected alternatives and to assign an order of priority. The method was implemented in six alternatives for road infrastructure improvement. The results of the analysis show that the method can distinguish the contribution to social sustainability of different infrastructure projects and location contexts, according to early benefits and potential long-term equitable improvement. This method can be applied prior to the implementation of a project and can complement environmental and economic sustainability assessments.
- Social contribution;
- Social improvement;
- Infrastructure;
- Method;
- Social sustainability