Evaluación del desarrollo sostenible de la industria de la construcción

Nos acaban de publicar en la revista Sustainable Cities and Society (1/68, CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY, primer decil del JCR) un artículo relacionado con la evaluación del desarrollo sostenible de la industria de la construcción regional y nacional.

El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación HYDELIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València. Se corresponde con la colaboración internacional que mantiene nuestro grupo de investigación con la Hunan University of Science and Engineering, de China. El primer autor, Prof. Zhou, sigue perteneciendo a nuestro grupo de investigación, pues desarrolló con nosotros su tesis doctoral.

Los datos de la investigación muestran que la industria de la construcción en China alcanzará su pico más alto de emisiones, según la evaluación del ciclo de vida en 2030 y tendrá emisiones nocivas entre 2061 y 2098. La evaluación del impacto social indica que se alcanzará su punto máximo en 2048.

Las contribuciones más relevantes de esta investigación son las siguientes:

  • El artículo innova modelos teóricos, como la «ponderación de la sensibilidad de la respuesta estructural», a través de una investigación interdisciplinaria, que aborda las limitaciones de la precisión de la iteración multifactorial, multidiscreta, con múltiples restricciones y con un bajo acoplamiento.
  • La investigación proporciona un sistema integral de teoría de la investigación y estándares de referencia para el cálculo científico y la evaluación precisa del desarrollo sostenible de la industria de la construcción en varios países del mundo.
  • El documento presenta un modelo, el «peso de sensibilidad a la respuesta estructural (SRSW)», que determina de forma precisa e intuitiva los resultados de la evaluación del desarrollo sostenible de la industria de la construcción regional y nacional.
  • La investigación incluye estudios de casos para demostrar la solidez del modelo, y muestra el pico de emisiones y las emisiones nocivas más altas de la industria de la construcción en China según la evaluación del ciclo de vida más alto.
  • La investigación contribuye al campo de la investigación sobre sostenibilidad en la industria de la construcción, ya que proporciona información y datos para que los responsables políticos y los profesionales tomen decisiones informadas con respecto al entorno ecológico.


Sustainability research in the construction industry is of great strategic significance to the ecological environment of countries worldwide. This paper innovates theoretical models such as “structural response sensitivity weight” through interdisciplinary research on advanced mathematics, engineering science, computer science, environmental management and economic sociology. The model solves the limitations of multi-factor, multi-discrete, multi-constraint and low coupling iteration accuracy. The article shows the robustness of the model through case studies. The research data shows that the construction industry in China will reach its highest life cycle assessment emission peak of 2.73 GT in 2030 and will have harmful emissions of -2.78 GT between 2061 and 2098. The social impact assessment will peak at 4.26 GT in 2048 and harmful emissions of −3.75 GT per year from 2061 to 2098. This research provides a comprehensive research theory system and reference standards for scientific calculation and accurate assessment of the sustainable development of the construction industry in various countries around the world.


Gross domestic product; Life cycle cost; Life cycle assessment; Social impact assessment; Topology optimization.


ZHOU, Z.; ZHOU, J.; ZHANG, B.; ALCALÁ, J.; YEPES, V. (2024). The centennial sustainable assessment of regional construction industry under the multidisciplinary coupling model. Sustainable Cities and Society, 101:105201. DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2024.105201

La editorial ELSEVIER permite el acceso directo y gratuito a este artículo hasta el 8 de marzo de 2024. El enlace para la descarga es: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1iRse7sfVZE2dg


Desarrollo regional sostenible de la construcción basada en la teoría de la entropía

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en Sustainability, revista indexada en el segundo cuartil del JCR. Se trata de aplicar la teoría de la entropía para evaluar el desarrollo sostenible de la construcción en una región determinada, en este caso, en China. El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación HYDELIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.

La humanidad se enfrenta actualmente al problema cada vez más urgente de la contaminación del medio ambiente. Para gestionar de forma rigurosa el medioambiente, los distintos gobiernos nacionales deberían basarse en bases científicas prácticas para ajustar y formular políticas y medidas legales basadas en el análisis de los datos existentes. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis basado en la teoría de la entropía de la innovación para evaluar el impacto de ocho provincias chinas, incluyendo los impactos ambientales, los económicos y los sociales. Los resultados muestran que los impactos en China deberían crecer desde 2021 hasta 2044 aproximadamente. Después de 2045, se estabilizarían, habiendo un crecimiento negativo en un corto período. La evaluación global del ciclo de vida (ECV) y la evaluación del impacto social (EIS) siguen siendo positivas. No habrá crecimiento negativo en los datos agregados y las emisiones serán nulas o negativas antes de 2108. Los datos finales de la investigación se presentan en forma de emisiones anuales, que proporcionan una base teórica para que el gobierno formule normativas y planes medioambientales a medio y largo plazo.


Human beings are now facing the increasingly urgent problem of global ecological environment pollution. To verify the scientific nature of environmental governance by governments of various countries, researchers need to provide a scientific basis and practical support for governments to adjust and formulate new policies and regulatory measures at any time through data analysis. This paper applies visual literature, aggregate analysis, engineering data programming, advanced mathematical science algorithms, and innovation entropy theory, and through this study, obtains sustainable impact data from eight Chinese provinces in the 21st century, including environmental, economic, and social impacts. The results show that China’s sustainable data should grow from 2021 to about 2044. After 2045, it will be stable, and there will be negative growth in a short period. The overall life cycle assessment (LCA) and social impact assessment (SIA) remain positive. There will be no negative growth in aggregate data and zero or negative emissions before 2108. The final research data are accurately presented in the form of annual emissions, which provide a scientific and theoretical basis for the government to formulate medium- and long-term ecological regulations and plans.


life cycle cost (LCC); life cycle assessment; social impact assessment; environment; bridge; carbon emissions


ZHOU, Z.; ALCALÁ, J.; YEPES, V. (2022). Research on Sustainable Development of the Regional Construction Industry Based on Entropy Theory. Sustainability, 14(24): 16645. DOI:10.3390/su142416645

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Desarrollo de criterios sociales para la evaluación del ciclo de vida social de las infraestructuras ferroviarias

El diseño sostenible de las infraestructuras requiere la consideración de los impactos económicos, ambientales y sociales. Desde la firma del Acuerdo de París, se han hecho grandes esfuerzos para desarrollar las metodologías orientadas a evaluar los impactos económicos y ambientales a lo largo del ciclo de vida de las infraestructuras. Sin embargo, la evaluación de la dimensión social en el diseño de las infraestructuras todavía requiere un desarrollo significativo. La presente comunicación propone un conjunto de indicadores sociales orientados a la evaluación del ciclo de vida de las infraestructuras ferroviarias. En particular, se presenta la evaluación de los impactos sociales de una vía férrea convencional con balasto. A continuación, se sugiere un indicador basado en la aplicación de procedimientos de toma de decisión multicriterio que ayudará en la elección del diseño de vía más ventajoso en términos sociales.


The sustainable design of infrastructures requires the consideration of the economic, environmental, and social impacts. Since the establishment of the Paris Agreement, significant efforts have been made on the methodologies to assess infrastructures’ economic and environmental life cycle impacts. However, evaluating the social dimension in the design of infrastructures still requires significant development. The present communication proposes a set of social indicators oriented towards the life cycle assessment of railway infrastructures. In particular, the evaluation of the social impacts of a conventional ballasted rail track is presented. A multi-criteria decision-making procedure-based indicator is proposed to help decide the most advantageous track design in social terms.


Multi-criteria Decision-making; Sustainability; Life cycle assessment; Railway; Social impacts.


NAVARRO, I.J.; VILLALBA, I.; YEPES, V. (2022). Development of social criteria for the social life cycle assessment of railway infrastructures. 26th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, AEIPRO, 5-8 de julio, Terrassa (Spain).

Os dejo la presentación que hicimos en el congreso y la comunicación completa.

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High Performance and Optimum Structures and Materials Encompassing Shock and Impact Loading HPSM/OPTI/SUSI 2022

This scientific event is a new edition of the High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials Conference and follows that originated in Southampton as long ago as 1989 and the Structures under Shock and Impact that started in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also in 1989.

The use of novel materials and new structural concepts nowadays is not restricted to highly technical areas like aerospace, aeronautical applications or the automotive industry, but affects all engineering fields including those such as civil engineering and architecture. The conference addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts. Contributions will highlight the latest development in design and manufacturing issues.

Most high-performance structures require the development of a generation of new materials, which can more easily resist a range of external stimuli or react in a non-conventional manner. Particular emphasis will be placed on intelligent structures and materials as well as the application of computational methods for their modelling, control and management.

The conference also addresses the topic of design optimisation. Contributions on numerical methods and different optimisation techniques are also welcome, as well as papers on new software. Optimisation problems of interest to the meeting involve those related to size, shape and topology of structures and materials. Optimisation techniques have much to offer to those involved in the design of new industrial products, as the appearance of powerful commercial computer codes has created a fertile field for the incorporation of optimisation in the design process in all engineering disciplines.

The performance of the structures under shock and impact loads is another objective of the meeting. The increasing need to protect civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities against unintentional loads arising from accidental impact and explosion events as well as terrorist attacks is reflected in the sustained interest worldwide. While advances have been made in the last decades, many challenges remain, such as developing more effective and efficient blast and impact mitigation approaches than those that currently exist or assessing the uncertainties associated with large and small scale testing and validation of numerical and analytical models. All of that aimed to a better understanding of critical issues relating to the testing behaviour, modelling and analyses of protective structures against blast and impact loading.

The meeting will provide a friendly and useful forum for the interchange of ideas and interaction amongst researchers, designers and scholars in the community to share advances in the scientific fields related to the conference topics.

All conference papers are archived in the Wessex Institute eLibrary (www.witpress.com/elibrary) where they are easily and permanently available in Open Access format to the international community.

Conference Topics

The following list covers some of the topics to be presented at HPSM/OPTI/SUSI 2022. Papers on other subjects related to the objectives of the conference are also welcome.

  • Composite materials
  • Material characterisation
  • Natural fibre composites
  • Nanocomposites
  • Green composites
  • Composites for automotive applications
  • Transformable structures
  • Environmentally friendly and sustainable structures
  • Reliability-based design optimisation
  • Non-deterministic approaches
  • Evolutionary methods in optimisation
  • Aerospace structures
  • Biomechanics application
  • Lightweight structures
  • Design for sustainability
  • Design for durability
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Structural reliability
  • Smart materials and structures
  • Optimization of civil engineering structures
  • Optimization in mechanical engineering
  • Optimization in the car industry
  • Design optimization of tall buildings
  • Metaheuristic algorithms
  • New algorithms for size and topology optimisation
  • BIM tools for design optimization
  • Emerging materials
  • Impact and blast loading
  • Energy-absorbing issues
  • Computational and experimental results
  • Response of reinforced concrete under impact
  • Seismic behaviour
  • Protection of existing structures
  • Industrial accidents and explosions
  • Security issues
  • Response of composite structures to blast and impact
  • Vehicle impact
  • Ballistics analysis
  • Dynamic material behaviour
  • Fluid-structure interaction
  • Seismic soil-structure interaction
  • Case studies

More information: https://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2022/hpsm-opti-susi-2022

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Proyecto de puentes sostenibles en ambientes agresivos teniendo en cuenta los impactos sociales

El establecimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en 2015 reclama un profundo cambio de paradigma en la forma de concebir las infraestructuras. La evaluación de los impactos derivados de las fases de construcción, servicio y cierre de una infraestructura está, por tanto, en el punto de mira de la comunidad investigadora. Siendo el sector de la construcción uno de los principales estresores del medio ambiente, recientemente se ha prestado gran atención al diseño estructural desde el punto de vista económico y medioambiental. Sin embargo, la sostenibilidad requiere considerar también la dimensión social. La evaluación de los impactos sociales de los productos está todavía en una fase muy temprana de desarrollo, por lo que la inclusión de los aspectos sociales en el proyecto de las estructuras suele pasarse por alto. En este estudio se comparan los resultados de la evaluación del ciclo de vida de siete alternativas de diseño de un puente en un entorno costero. Se siguen dos enfoques: el primero considera los aspectos económicos y medioambientales de cada diseño y el segundo incluye varios impactos sociales desarrollados específicamente para la evaluación de infraestructuras. Estos impactos sociales tienen en cuenta cuatro partes interesadas, a saber, los trabajadores, los consumidores, la comunidad local y la sociedad. Los resultados muestran que la inclusión de los aspectos sociales dará lugar a diferentes opciones preferidas en comparación con los enfoques convencionales bidimensionales. En este caso, el diseño con hormigón adicionado de humo de sílice obtiene un 11% más de rendimiento desde el punto de vista de la sostenibilidad en comparación con la mejor solución resultante de una evaluación convencional.


NAVARRO, I.J.; YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V. (2021). Sustainability life cycle design of bridges in aggressive environments considering social impacts. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 9(2):93-107.

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La dimensión social en la optimización sostenible del mantenimiento de puentes

Acabamos de presentar una comunicación en el 10th International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM/OPTI 2020, que se tuvo que desarrollar en Praga (República Checa) del 3 al 5 de junio, pero que por motivos del coronavirus, se ha desarrollado virtualmente del 2 al 4 de septiembre. A continuación os paso un resumen de la misma, así como la presentación que hemos realizado.

En los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible recientemente establecidos se reconoce la importancia de las infraestructuras para lograr un futuro sostenible. A lo largo de su largo ciclo de vida, las infraestructuras generan una serie de impactos cuya reducción ha sido uno de los principales focos de atención de los investigadores en los últimos años. La optimización de los intervalos de mantenimiento de las estructuras, como los puentes, ha despertado la atención del sector de la ingeniería civil, pues la mayoría de los impactos de las infraestructuras se producen durante su fase operativa. Así pues, actualmente los puentes se diseñan para atender a los efectos económicos y ambientales derivados de las actividades de mantenimiento. Sin embargo, en esos análisis se suele descuidar el pilar social de la sostenibilidad. Dado que todavía no existe una metodología universalmente aceptada para su evaluación coherente, la dimensión social no se incluye efectivamente en las evaluaciones del ciclo de vida de las infraestructuras. En la presente comunicación se evalúan los efectos del ciclo vital de diseños alternativos de los tableros de hormigón de los puentes en un entorno cercano a la costa que requiere mantenimiento. Los intervalos de mantenimiento derivados de la fiabilidad se optimizan primero minimizando los impactos económicos y ambientales. En una segunda etapa del análisis, se incluye la dimensión social en el proceso de optimización y se comparan los resultados. Los resultados de optimización de estas evaluaciones combinadas se obtienen aplicando la técnica de toma de decisiones multicriterio AHP-TOPSIS. En el presente documento se demuestra cómo la inclusión de la dimensión social puede conducir a estrategias de mantenimiento óptimo diferentes y más orientadas a la sostenibilidad. El enfoque tridimensional que se aplica aquí ha dado lugar a que se prefieran otras alternativas a las derivadas de la evaluación convencional que considera las perspectivas económica y ambiental. Esa conclusión apoya la idea de que se requieren evaluaciones holísticas del ciclo vital para el diseño sostenible de las infraestructuras y que es necesario hacer más esfuerzos urgentes para integrar la dimensión social en las evaluaciones de la sostenibilidad de las estructuras.

Figure 1: Product system boundaries (Navarro et al., 2020)


The recently established Sustainable Development Goals recognize the importance of infrastructures for achieving a sustainable future. Along their long-lasting life cycle, infrastructures generate a series of impacts, the reduction of which has been one of the main focus of researchers’ attention in the past years. The optimization of maintenance intervals of structures, such as bridges, has aroused the attention of the civil engineering sector, since most of the impacts of infrastructures occur during the operational phase. Thus, bridges are currently designed to attend the economic and environmental impacts derived from maintenance activities. However, the social pillar of sustainability is usually neglected in those analyses. Since no universally accepted methodology does yet exist for its consistent evaluation, the social dimension is not effectively included in the life cycle assessments of infrastructures. This communication evaluates the life cycle impacts of alternative concrete bridge deck designs in a maintenance-demanding environment near shore. Reliability-derived maintenance intervals are first optimized by minimizing the economic and environmental impacts. In a second stage of the analysis, the social dimension is included in the optimization process and results are compared. Optimization results from these combined assessments are obtained applying the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making technique AHP-TOPSIS. The present paper demonstrates how the inclusion of the social dimension may lead to different, more sustainability-oriented optimal maintenance strategies. The three-dimensional approach applied here has resulted in other alternatives to be preferred against those derived from the conventional assessment that considers the economic and environmental perspectives. Such finding supports the idea that holistic life cycle assessments are required for sustainable designs of infrastructures and that more efforts are urgently needed to integrate the social dimension in sustainability assessments of structures.


Life cycle assessment, bridges, maintenance, reliability, social impacts, sustainable design, sustainability, corrosion, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, AHP.


NAVARRO, I.J.; YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V. (2020). Social dimension on the sustainability-oriented maintenance optimization of bridges in coastal environments. 10th International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM/OPTI 2020, 3-5 June 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, 11 pp.

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International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM-OPTI 2020

The use of novel materials and new structural concepts nowadays is not restricted to highly technical areas like aerospace, aeronautical applications or the automotive industry, but affects all engineering fields including those such as civil engineering and architecture.

The conference addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts or new materials and their system design. Contributions will highlight the latest development in design, optimisation, manufacturing and experimentation in those areas. The meeting also aims to search for higher performance sustainable materials.

Most high performance structures require the development of a generation of new materials, which can more easily resist a range of external stimuli or react in a non-conventional manner. Particular emphasis will be placed on intelligent structures and materials as well as the application of computational methods for their modelling, control and management.

The conference also addresses the topic of design optimisation. Contributions on numerical methods and different optimisation techniques are also welcome, as well as papers on new software. Optimisation problems of interest to the meeting involve those related to size, shape and topology of structures and materials. Optimisation techniques have much to offer to those involved in the design of new industrial products.

The development of new algorithms and the appearance of powerful commercial computer codes with easy to use graphical interfaces has created a fertile field for the incorporation of optimisation in the design process in all engineering disciplines.

This scientific event is a new edition of the High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials Conference and follows the success of a number of meetings on structures and materials and on optimum design that originated in Southampton as long ago as 1989. As the meetings evolved they gave rise to the current series, which started in Seville in 2002, and followed by Ancona in 2004, Ostend in 2006, the Algarve in 2008, Tallinn in 2010, the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute in 2012, Ostend in 2014, Siena in 2016 and Ljubljana in 2018.

The meeting will provide a friendly and useful forum for the interchange of ideas and interaction amongst researchers, designers and scholars in the community to share advances in the scientific fields related to the conference topics


The following list covers some of the topics to be presented at HPSM/OPTI 2020. Papers on other topics related to the objectives of the conference are welcome

  • Composite materials
  • Material characterisation
  • Experiments and numerical analysis
  • Natural fibre composites
  • Nanocomposites
  • Green composites
  • Composites for automotive applications
  • Transformable structures
  • Environmentally friendly and sustainable structures
  • Structural optimisation
  • Reliability based design optimisation
  • Non deterministic approaches
  • Evolutionary methods in optimisation
  • Aerospace structures
  • Biomechanics application
  • Structures under extreme loading
  • Surface modification
  • Lightweight structures
  • Design for sustainability
  • Design for durability
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Structural reliability
  • Smart materials and structures
  • Optimization of civil engineering structures
  • Optimization on mechanical engineering
  • Optimization in car industry
  • Design optimization of tall buildings
  • Metaheuristic algorithms
  • New algorithms for size and topology optimisation
  • BIM tools for design optimization
  • Emerging materials
  • Case Studies

More information: https://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2020/hpsm-opti-2020

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Revisión de las técnicas de valoración multicriterio aplicadas al diseño sostenible de infraestructuras

Acaban de publicarnos un artículo en la revista Advances in Civil Engineering (revista indexada en el JCR) sobre la revisión de las técnicas de valoración multicriterio aplicadas al diseño sostenible de infraestructuras. El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación DIMALIFE que dirijo como investigador principal en la Universitat Politècnica de València.

Dados los grandes impactos asociados a la construcción y mantenimiento de infraestructuras, tanto en la dimensión ambiental como en la económica y social, un enfoque sostenible de su diseño parece esencial para facilitar el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible fijados por las Naciones Unidas. Un repaso a la bibliografía existente indica, por lo general, que se aplican métodos de toma de decisiones multicriterio para abordar los criterios complejos y a menudo contradictorios que caracterizan la sostenibilidad. El presente estudio revisa el estado actual de la técnica en la aplicación de dichas técnicas en la evaluación de la sostenibilidad de las infraestructuras, analizando también los impactos y criterios de sostenibilidad incluidos en las evaluaciones.

El artículo se encuentra publicado en abierto, y por tanto se puede descargar gratuitamente en el siguiente enlace: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ace/2019/6134803/


Given the great impacts associated with the construction and maintenance of infrastructures in both the environmental, the economic and the social dimensions, a sustainable approach to their design appears essential to ease the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. Multicriteria decision-making methods are usually applied to address the complex and often conflicting criteria that characterise sustainability. The present study aims to review the current state of the art regarding the application of such techniques in the sustainability assessment of infrastructures, analysing as well the sustainability impacts and criteria included in the assessments. The Analytic Hierarchy Process is the most frequently used weighting technique. Simple Additive Weighting has turned out to be the most applied decision-making method to assess the weighted criteria. Although a life cycle assessment approach is recurrently used to evaluate sustainability, standardised concepts, such as cost discounting, or presentation of the assumed functional unit or system boundaries, as required by ISO 14040, are still only marginally used. Additionally, a need for further research in the inclusion of fuzziness in the handling of linguistic variables is identified.


NAVARRO, I.J.; YEPES, V.; MARTÍ, J.V. (2019). A review of multi-criteria assessment techniques applied to sustainable infrastructures design. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019: 6134803. DOI:10.1155/2019/6134803

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International Conference on High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials HPSM-OPTI 2018

The use of novel materials and new structural concepts nowadays is not restricted to highly technical areas like aerospace, aeronautical applications or the automotive industry, but affects all engineering fields including those such as civil engineering and architecture.

The conference addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts or new materials and their system design. Contributions will highlight the latest development in design, optimisation, manufacturing and experimentation in those areas. The meeting also aims to search for higher performance sustainable materials.

Most high performance structures require the development of a generation of new materials, which can more easily resist a range of external stimuli or react in a non-conventional manner. Particular emphasis will be placed on intelligent structures and materials as well as the application of computational methods for their modelling, control and management.

The conference also addresses the topic of design optimisation. Contributions on numerical methods and different optimisation techniques are also welcome, as well as papers on new software. Optimisation problems of interest to the meeting involve those related to size, shape and topology of structures and materials. Optimisation techniques have much to offer to those involved in the design of new industrial products.

The development of new algorithms and the appearance of powerful commercial computer codes with easy to use graphical interfaces has created a fertile field for the incorporation of optimisation in the design process in all engineering disciplines.

This scientific event is a new edition of the High Performance Design of Structures and Materials conference and follows the success of a number of meetings on structures and materials and on optimum design that originated in Southampton as long ago as 1989. As the meetings evolved they gave rise to the current series, which started in Seville in 2002, and followed by Ancona in 2004, Ostend in 2006, the Algarve in 2008, Tallinn in 2010, the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute in 2012, Ostend in 2014 and Siena in 2016.

The meeting will provide a friendly and useful forum for the interchange of ideas and interaction amongst researchers, designers and scholars in the community to share advances in High Performance and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials.

More information: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2018/hpsm-opti-2018

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